The Conscious-Created Universe, Part I

Materialism is responsible for some truly astonishing feats of human achievement through advances in physics, chemistry and biology in the 20th and 21st centuries. However, materialism also organizes reality solely through physical laws incompatible with some revered aspects of our personal reality.… Read More The Conscious-Created Universe, Part I

Groundbreaking Research Shows Conscious Intention Directly Affects Quantum States; Scientific Basis for Mind of Over Matter?

Dean Radin, Ph.D. and Chief Scientist of IONS, the Institute for Noetic Sciences, recently introduced the results of a series of experiments that may provide the missing link between consciousness and matter, turning the tables on materialism and asserting consciousness as a fundamental component of reality itself.  Using a variation of the famous double-slit experiment,… Read More Groundbreaking Research Shows Conscious Intention Directly Affects Quantum States; Scientific Basis for Mind of Over Matter?