After Death Communications: How to Encourage Signs From Loved Ones In Spirit

 “An After-Death Experience (ADC) is a spiritual experience, which occurs when you are contacted directly and spontaneously by a deceased family member or friend, without the use of psychics, mediums, rituals, or devices of any kind.” -from

About a month ago, I went to see James Van Praagh demonstrate his mediumship at a large-audience show.  During the show, he took questions from audience members.  One question was from a woman who was doing cartwheels in the back to get his attention:

“Why hasn’t my grandmother contacted me?  She passed away over 15 years ago!”

James calmly went through some suggestions, but this women’s impatience cut him off at the pass. “I’ve already done all that. I’ve looked for signs, prayed, asked, pleaded.. I’ve even gone to mediums, and nothing.. she won’t speak to me!”

Exasperated, James simply told the energetic woman that she should take his meditation classes to learn how to calm her own energy first. The poor woman was left unsatisfied by his answer and I was left wondering.

The experience got me thinking about ADCs and the people I know who believe they’ve been convincingly contacted by loved ones on the other side.  I definitely was, my mother was as well, my step-father, my best friend..  So, if I know a lot of people who have had an after death communication, are they really common?  What happens if, like the woman at the show, we don’t get a communication? How can we improve our odds?

This is a huge subject and if you have been following me for a while, you know already that nothing I do is short and sweet.  This will necessarily be a long post, so here’s the topics I’m going to delve into just in case you want to skip ahead to a particular section:

  1. The 12 Types of After-Death Communications
  2. After-Death Communication Statistics
  3. The Skeptical Argument
  4. Why Don’t Some Spirits Communicate With Us?
  5. Reasons Why Some Spirit Communications Aren’t Received
  6. An Example of Spirit Communication Techniques from the Spirit’s Point of View
  7. Why Don’t Spirits Just Levitate a Pen and Write Us A Note?
  8. How to Open Yourself Up to Spirit Communication in Any Stage of Grief
  9. Induced After Death Communication (IADC) Therapy
  10. Should I Contact a Medium?
  11. Examples of Real Spirit Communications Received by Me, My Family and Friends
  12. Tell Us About Your After-Death Communications in the Comments!

The 12 Types of After Death Communications

The term ‘After Death Communication’ that we use to describe types of non-assisted communication from the deceased was coined by Bill and Judy Guggenheim in preparation for their book, Hello from Heaven: A New Field of Research – After Death Communication Confirms that Life and Love are Eternal.  Although they weren’t the first researchers in this field, their book brought ADCs into the public consciousness much the same way Raymond Moody’s book “Life after Life” did for Near-Death Experiences.  In it, they define twelve ways their survey participants were contacted by their dearly departed:

  1. Kinesthetic – Sensing a presence
  2. Auditory – Hearing a voice, either with your physical ears in or your head (mentally)
  3. Tactile – Feeling touched physically, like a hug, caress, kiss on the cheek
  4. Olfactory – Smelling a fragrance or odor connected to the deceased (perfume, cigar smell, etc)
  5. Visual – Seeing a full or partial appearance of the deceased; either an outline, transparent, just a part of the body, or full flesh-and-blood
  6. Visionary – A mental vision of the deceased with complete clarity while awake (either with eyes open or shut)
  7. Hypnogogic – Appearance of the deceased while falling asleep or just waking up (either physically, in the room, or mentally)
  8. Somnolent – An appearance of the deceased in a ultra-vivid and logical dream; ordered and atypical for most dreams.
  9. Out-of-Body – Meeting a deceased person while having an out-of-body experience.
  10. Technological – Receiving a phone call from the deceased, text-message, email or through a device, such as hearing their voice through radio static.
  11. Material – Physical phenomena that occurs such as lights turning on and off, items moving, music playing without being turned on.  Usually in a way that reminds you of the deceased.
  12. Symbolic – Seeing a symbol that reminds you of the deceased; a license plate, hearing a song, seeing their name or an animal (most commonly butterflies) that reminds you of them.

After Death Communication Statistics

After Death Communications are far more common than near-death experiences in the general population, even though the latter are arguably more well-known.  A study done by Jenny Streit-Horn, a doctoral student under Dr. Jan Holder, revealed that 30-35% of people can expect to have an after-death communication in their lifetimes.  Within the first year of bereavement, a person is 75% likely to experience an ADC, although a first ADCs can happen as long as several decades after the death occurred.

Grief and type of relationship also seem to influence the prevalence of ADCs.  People who lost spouses tended to have a greater number of ADCs than parental, sibling or friendship relationships.  People who are actively in the grieving process also reported more ADCs than people who described themselves as past the grieving process, though both groups reported high numbers of ADCs regardless.  Anecdotally, people in the first stages of grief or pathological grief tend not to have ADCs until their grief has lessened somewhat.  Aside from Crisis Apparitions (paranormal visions or visitations that notify loved ones of a person’s death), it would seem that intense emotions can ‘wall off’ a person from receiving paranormal visitations.

From the study, the following statements about After-Death Communications were found to be true:

  • Bereaved people more than non-bereaved have ADCs; about ¾ of people within one year of the death of a loved one.
  • Widows and widowers especially.
  • Women more than men
  • People of all ages, with older people perhaps slightly more likely, probably because the older a person is, the more likely the person has experienced others’ deaths.
  • People of all nationalities, with those from ADC-affirming cultures reporting more.
  • People of all ethnicities, with some perhaps slightly more than others – from highest to lowest among Americans: African-American, Mexican-American, Caucasian-American, and Japanese-American.
  • People of all education levels.
  • People of all incomes, with people with relatively lower incomes perhaps slightly more likely.
  • People of all religious affiliations and practices.
  • People no matter what their physical condition.
  • People no matter what their mental condition.
  • The great majority of ADC researchers have noted that ADCrs in their studies were mentally healthy. There is no evidence that ADC alone indicates psychological disorder or mental illness.

ADCs are under-reported.  In the study, 54% of the participants had never told another person prior to the survey.  Many participants admitted to fear of ridicule as the reason for their reluctance to share their experience.  It is probable that an even higher percentage of people likely have an ADC than is currently reported, possibly making this one of the most commonly experienced spiritual occurrence that is studied by paranormal and afterlife researchers.

The Skeptical Argument

When it comes to any type of paranormal activity involving personal experiences, skeptics can only usually point to one of four explanations.

  1. Deception – skeptics might suggest that a grieving person who has received a lot of attention right after a death might invent such stories to gain back that attention once everyone returns to their lives and the grieving become very lonely.  In this case, since the majority of people surveyed didn’t tell another person about their experience, deception might be difficult to use as an explanation for most ADCs, though in rare cases, it’s always possible.
  2. Hallucination – grief is an extreme psychological state.  Some scientists and psychologists believe that our brains will invent such hallucinations in response to grief, although there have been no scientific studies on this topic.  ADCs are also prevalent in people who aren’t actively grieving.
  3. Paradolia or Misidentification – Humans are great at pattern recognition.  Just like the ability to look at a cloud and see an elephant, humans can look at an event and draw personal conclusions from it that may not really fit or simply be coincidental.  In truth, ADCs are subjective. What constitutes a sign for you, may be considered a coincidence to another person.
  4. Drugs or Alcohol – Often times, a grieving person is offered a sedative in order to help them get through the first few days and the funeral.  In many cases, this is a likely to be a benzodiazepine such as Xanax or Valium. In other cases, a person may self-medicate with alcohol, opiates, marijuana and the like.  When drugs or alcohol are involved, a person’s perceptions are altered and they might be more likely to imagine or hallucinate an ADC.

Although the four reasons above might explain some ADCs, it’s hard to explain away all ADCs this way.  If 60 million Americans are likely to have an ADC in their lifetime, is it possible that all of them will be lying, spontaneously hallucinating or on drugs?  How can we then explain ADCs that occur well after the initial grief has dissipated?

Normal, well-adjusted healthy individuals are not prone to suddenly hallucinate, nor would most of these people have the incentive to lie, especially to an anonymous survey.  Although its possible that some people may misidentify or use drugs, the sheer number of ADCs reported makes the probability that all ADCs are false very low overall.

Note: The next section contains information I’ve gained from years of afterlife research.  These are conclusions that I have drawn – certainly, nothing about the spirit world is proven.  To do your own research, visit my Recommended Reading and Resources for Afterlife Research pages.

Why Don’t Some Spirits Communicate with Us?

Barring issues on our end (which I will get to in the next section), there are a variety of reasons why some spirits don’t or can’t communicate with us right away.

  1. Your loved one may need time to adjust. Some spirits don’t know they have died, or will need help understanding what has happened to them.  Others were so ill when they died, they need a period of convalescence in the spirit realm.  Spirits who pass away with severe psychological issues may be relegated to planes where communication isn’t possible yet.
  2. Spirits may realize that communication right now isn’t in your best interest.  Grief can be a valuable lesson in its own right.
  3. Some spirits will need to work with their teachers and guides who can assist them with communication.
  4. Time in the spirit world doesn’t exist, and outside of a human body we lose much of the anxiety we had on earth.  Our loved ones in spirit love us dearly, but know that you will be with them in what may seem like only a matter of days to them, even though it is a lifetime for us.

The scenarios above are rare. Most spirits do have a desire to communicate with the living and will try endlessly to let you know that they are okay.  Even as they attempt to communicate with you, there are things on our end that may prevent their message from getting across.

Reasons Why Some Spirit Communications Aren’t Received

  1. We might see or experience something meaningful, such as a dream or a symbol but we pass it off as a coincidence or ignore it.
  2. We are too deeply bereaved.  With terrible sadness and depression comes a wall of emotion that even the best and strongest of spirits cannot penetrate.  When our grief begins to lesson, the communication will begin to get through.
  3. The first communications happen to a relative or friend instead of you.  The first reaction is, “why did my loved one appear to X and not to me, the one who was closest to him/her?”  A loved one in spirit definitely wants you to know that he or she is still around, and so they appear to whomever is most receptive to get the message to you.
  4. We make demands or expect too much: we might say “If you are here, turn off that light” or “Make this song play in the car if you are listening”.  Spirits can do many things, but they don’t suddenly gain superpowers when they die.  They need to learn how to manipulate energy, and each spirit has a way they can communicate best – likely not the way you are demanding them to perform.  Allow the spirit to choose the communication and have faith that the message will be meaningful to you.
  5. We have unresolved anger or resentment toward the spirit.  Negative emotions are another type of wall, once that must be resolved before communications can be clearly felt.  Resolve your issues with the spirit in question. Whatever it was, remember that they were only human. If you speak out-loud, they will generally hear you so talking out your feelings can help.  Out of the body, spirits know immediately all the ways they have hurt others and always desire forgiveness.  Once you are in a space of love and forgiveness, you will get the message you are intended to receive.

Why Don’t Spirits Just Levitate a Pen and Write Us a Note?

I consider myself a logical person, and when initially trying to understand the phenomena of ADCs, I found myself really frustrated by how vague they can be at times.  Without a doubt, there are plenty of communications where a person sees their loved one standing in front of them looking quite alive.  In other cases, they get a phone call from the deceased. These are pretty straight-forward cases where there is little room to doubt that a communication occurred.  But most of us will have symbolic ADCs; we will hear a song on the radio that is meaningful, have a butterfly land on our arm, or smell a perfume.  While these are beautiful experiences, I wondered – why all the vague and dramatic symbolism?  Why can’t a spirit just leave us a note?  If levitating a pen is difficult, how about knocking on the wall and answering yes and no questions, or rearranging pennies to spell out their name, or smudging a mirror with “I’m Still Here!” while I’m in the shower?

Many years went by and I really studied spirit literature.  I learned that mastering energy in our dimension is extremely difficult and it requires the skill of an advanced spirit.  Unless our loved one is that advanced, it’s unlikely they have the skill or experience to do those kinds of definitive physical things that we expect.  Spirits of all stripes can manipulate energy.  Our physicists have already discovered that all of matter is energy, just denser than other kinds.  Thoughts and emotions are energy too, and because this type of energy is far less dense, spirits have an easier time manipulating it as a rule.

Consider how difficult it really is to make these symbolic ADCs happen:

In order for you to hear a meaningful song on the radio, they either have influence your thoughts to be in the right place at the right time and turn on the radio, or they have to influence the thoughts of the radio DJ to play that song at the exact time and place that you are listening.  It’s not as easy as it looks! Yet, it’s far easier than levitating a pen against Earth physics.

To have a butterfly land on your arm, a spirit has to influence the intention of that butterfly, and make sure you are in an area where a butterfly will be able to land on you.  That means cutting through all of the brain chatter in our heads to convince us to take a walk outside at the exact right time that a butterfly happens to be flying by, then convincing the butterfly to ignore its instincts and land on a human!

Smelling a perfume requires a spirit to use energy to match the signature of a perfume that you might recognize, or influence a person who is wearing that exact perfume to cross your path.  Again, not easy.

But, you might say, “What about hauntings?  Those spirits can slam doors and make lights go on and off. Are they just more experienced?”  Well, in a way, yes.  Those spirits are most likely tied to the earth for one reason or another.  Some people call these ‘Earthbound’ spirits.  They aren’t bound to the earth, really, they have just chosen not to cross dimensions.  When a spirit spends years, decades and centuries walking as a ghost on Earth, they do learn a trick or two – things that the recently deceased who do cross over have yet to learn.  Then again, earthbound spirits are usually extremely emotional and psychologically a little muddled.  These spirits have no problem scaring people to get attention.  Your loved one would never want to scare you with loud bangs and such, even if they could.

Case in point: I read an ADC once where a teenage girl woke up to see the full figure of her deceased father standing over her.  His body looked like it was made up of sparks of electricity.  Suffice it to say, she was startled by the wild unexpected vision and screamed.  Later, her father got a message through her to say, “I worked so hard on that energy body! I can’t believe it scared you!” Lesson learned.  Although the father wanted to do something spectacular to show his daughter he was still alive in the spirit world, it didn’t have the intended effect.  Most of the time, spirits know what we can handle and what we can’t.  They generally prefer not to scare us out of our wits!

It’s also important to understand how our psychology changes when we lose our bodies.  Spirits are emotionally rather than logically oriented so while they can reason just as well as we can, they prefer to have an energetic and emotional impact on you, rather than just appeasing your logical mind with ‘tricks’.

In the next section, I am going to use some examples from Dr. Newton’s work with Life Between Life regression to show from the spirit’s point of view how they attempt to reach us after their passing (and how difficult it can be sometimes!)

An Example of ADC Techniques from the Spirit’s Point of View
From Destiny of Souls, by Dr. Michael Newton

Dr. Michael Newton pioneered techniques for life-between-life regression, and in a hypnotic trance, his subjects can go to past lives and then to the activities they do as spirits in between lives.  Dr. Newton’s techniques are used by certified therapists all over the world trained in his techniques through The Newton Institute.  For over 40 years, his clients from all walks of life and from different parts of the US have described a very similar afterlife, convincing Dr. Newton and his colleges that not only is the afterlife real, but it is a logical and organized dimension not dissimilar from our own.  I highly recommend his books, Journey of Souls, Destiny of Souls, and Memories of the Afterlife.

In Destiny of Souls, Dr. Newton devotes a whole chapter to examples where spirits use children to communicate, pets, strangers, visions, objects and all sorts of other ways to get through to us.  Spirits use a variety of techniques that differ based on the spirit’s abilities and our ability to receive communication best. By learning how spirits communicate to us from their own perspective, it can help us be more receptive to receive and believe those communications. Here I’ve picked out two examples from that chapter to illustrate the process behind that communication.

Sylvia’s Dream

In this example, Dr. Newton has regressed his patient to recall a previous life where he/she as ‘Sylvia’ has just passed away. Sylvia, in spirit,  is trying to comfort her mother who is grieving.

S:=Sitter; Dr. N:=Dr. Newton

S: “I begin with more conventional thought communication while she is awake but I am getting nowhere.  She is so sad.  My mother’s grief at not being at my bedside is overpowering her.”

Dr. N: “What methods have you tried so far?”

S: “I project my thoughts with an orange-yellow light, like the flame of a candle, and place my light around her head, sending loving thoughts.  I’m not effective.  She doesn’t realize I am with her.  I am going for a dream.”

Dr. N: “All right, Sylvia, take me though this slowly.  Please start by telling me if you pick out one of your mother’s dreams or if you can create one of your own.”

S: “I don’t create dreams well yet.  It is much easier for me to take one of hers so I can enter the dream to effect a more natural contact and then participate. I want her to know it is clearly me in the dream.”


S: “The first couple dreams are unsuitable…Finally, she has a dream where she is walking alone in the fields around my house.  You should know she has no grief in this dream.  I am not dead yet.”

S: “…I enter the dream from the other end of the field by matching my energy patterns to my mother’s thoughts.  I project an image of myself as I was the last time she saw me.  I come slowly across the field to let her get used to my presence.  I wave and smile and then come to her.  We hug each other and now I send wave of rejuvenating energy into her sleeping body.”

Dr. N: “And what will this do for your mother?”

S: “This picture is raised to a higher level of consciousness for my mother.  I want to insure the dream will stay with her after she wakes up.”


S: “The influence of a vivid dream like this is very great.  When my mother wakes up, her mind has a vivid impression of this landscape with me and suspects I am with her.  In the time memory is so real she is sure of it.”


S: “…I [will] continue to send waves of energy into her over the next few days until she begins to accept my passing.  I want her to believe I am still part of her and always will be.”

Helen and her Husband’s Ring

In this regression, a man recalls the time after his death when he tries to comfort his grieving wife, Helen.

S:=Sitter; Dr. N:=Dr. Newton

Dr. N: “What do you do if your efforts right after death are not having the desired results anywhere on the body?”

S: “When I found that my wife, Helen, was not receiving me by a direct approach, I finally resorted to working with a household familiar.”

Dr. N: “You mean with an animal – a cat or dog?”

S: “I have used them before, but no.. not this time.  I decided to pick out some object of value to me that my wife would know was very personal.  I chose my ring.”

The ring he is referring to is a large ring with a raised turquoise stone in the center.  The man had a nervous habit of rubbing the stone and his wife often joked that he would one day wear it down completely.  Helen and her husband would often sit by the fire together and talk about their day, while her husband would continue to rub the stone on his ring out of habit.

S: “When I work with objects and people, I have to wait until the scene is very tranquil.  Three weeks after my death, Helen lit a fire and was looking into it with tears in her eyes.  I began by wrapping my energy within the fire itself, using the fire as a conduit of warmth and elasticity.

Dr. N: “Excuse my interruption, but what does ‘elasticity’ mean?”

S: “It took me centuries to learn this. Elastic energy is fluid.  To make my soul energy fluid requires intense concentration and practice because it must be thin and fleecy.  The fire serves as a catalyst in this maneuver.”

Dr. N: “Which is just the opposite from a strong, narrow beam of energy?”

S: “Exactly.  I can be very effective by rapidly shifting my energy from a fluid to a solid state and back again.  The shifting is subtle but it awakens the human mind.”

S: “Helen was connecting with the fire and thus with me.  For a moment the grief was less oppressive, and I moved straight into the top of her head.  She felt my presence… slightly. It was not enough.  Then I began shifting my energy as I told you, from hard to soft in fork fashion.

Dr. N: “What do you do when you ‘fork’ energy?”

S: “I split it.  While keeping a soft fluid energy on Helen’s head on maintain contact, I fork a hard beam at the box which holds my ring in a table drawer.  My intent is to open up a smooth pathway from her mind to the ring.  This is why I am using a hard steady beam, to direct her to the ring.”

S: “With my guidance, she slowly gets up without knowing why.  She moves, as if sleepwalking, to the table and hesitates.  Then she opens the drawer.  Since my ring is in the box I continue to shift back and forth from her mind to the lid of the box.  Helen opens it and takes out my ring, holding it in her left hand. […] Then I know I have her!”

Dr. N: “Because..?”

S: Because the ring still retains some of my energy.  Don’t you see?  She is feeling my energy on both ends of the fork.  This is a two-directional signal.  Very effective.

Dr. N: “Oh, I do see – then what do you do with Helen?”

S: “Now, I move into overdrive with a full-power bridge between myself standing on her right side and the ring on the left.  She turns in my direction and smiles.  Helen then kisses my ring and says, “Thanks, darling.  I know you are with me now.  I’ll try and be more brave.”

How to Enhance your Chances of Receiving an ADC at any Stage in the Grief Process:

The most important advice I can give someone who is waiting for a sign is this: talk to your loved one. Talk to them out-loud, as if they are in the room with you.  It may feel strange at first, but spirits tell us through mediums that they can hear you loud and clear when you speak to them.  Most importantly, this is the time when you can begin to resolve any outstanding guilt or anger that you may have over their death.  If you have already resolved your feelings, simply tell them how much you love them and miss them in your life.  Ask for a sign or communication, but give them the time and space to do it on their own terms.

Be alert to any of the 12 types of communications.  A communication may happen at any time.  Remember that not all ADCs are dramatic or obvious.  Believe it or not, most spirit communications don’t get received because we are just too stubborn, obtuse, distracted or logical to accept and be open to them.

Dreams are a major way that spirits will use to communicate.  In order to enhance your dream recall, tell yourself before bed that you will remember your dreams.  It sounds silly, but it works.  Avoid alcohol before bed, and don’t sleep with the TV or music on.  Clear your mind before bed and let any images form freely – this might be the time that you receive a hypnogogic vision or dream visitation.

Ask your friends and family if they have had any experiences that have reminded them of your loved one.  In the midst of heavy grief, it is quite common for a spirit to first contact a more distant relative or friend in order to get a message to you.  If that person is hesitant to upset you, that message may never be passed on.  Let others know that you welcome any experiences that they may have, may it be dreams, symbols or other signs.

Read about the experiences of others who have had an ADC at  This may open your eyes to the many ways your loved one can communicate, as well as lifting your spirits through the inspirational and beautiful experiences of others.

Like the exasperated woman at the show, there might be a case where despite everything you do, communication just isn’t happening.  There are a lot of variables when it comes to inter-dimensional communication and sometimes we just have to trust that there is a good reason.  Maybe your loved one is involved in their own healing on the other side, or perhaps they are very inexperienced spirits who just can’t manage cross-dimensional communication.  Trust that you are loved and that your loved one is always connected to you, even if you don’t get proof of that.  On the other hand, be patient.  My mother didn’t get her first ADC from her mother for 16 years!  When it finally did happen, it was powerful, timely and life-changing for her.

To learn more about ADCs and spirit communication, I would encourage you to read Hello from Heaven by Bill and Judy Guggenheim, My Life After Life: A Posthumous Memoir by Galen and Dr. Kenneth Stoller,  and Destiny of Souls by Dr. Michael Newton.  Please also visit the After-Death Communication Research Foundation at and

Induced After Death Communication (IADC) Therapy

If your grief is overwhelming and interfering with your life, or you have experienced a traumatic loss, you might consider a new type of clinical therapy called Induced After Death Communication.  Dr. Allan L. Botkin, the founder of the procedure, discovered that patients with severe psychological grief were greatly relieved of their pain through the application of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, which uses eye movements to help our brain process grief and sadness far faster than traditional therapies.  With many patients, an extra step discovered by Dr. Botkin allowed the patient to experience an actual visionary after-death communication with the spirit whose loss they were grieving.  To find out more, please see my in-depth post on the subject: Grief Counseling with a Spiritual Twist: Induced After Death Communication (IADC) Therapy

Should I Contact a Medium?

If you haven’t gotten an after death communication and it has been six months since the date your loved one has passed, you may consider arranging for the services of a medium.  Why wait six months?  Well, most mediums will require a waiting period for best results.  Its easier to connect after both you and the spirit have had time to adjust and heavy grief can make it very difficult to make a connection.

Finding a reputable medium is difficult.  Avoid anyone you’ve seen on TV – sadly, most of them are simply entertainers.  To find a good, honest and truly gifted medium, I only recommend the services of two organizations – both are non-profit, and both thoroughly test and certify their mediums.

The Forever Family Foundation –

The Windbridge Institute –

Examples of Real Spirit Communications Received by Me, My Family and Friends

ADC from a man who was ‘like a Grandfather’: A man who was like a grandfather to me appeared in a dream to say goodbye after he died.  He was “brought-in” to my dream through my great-grandfather who appeared first, smiled, then morphed into this gentleman.  No words were spoken, but there was a powerful feeling of gratitude and love as he looked into my eyes.  He had Parkinson’s before he died and so didn’t communicate well or easily in life, but in the dream I felt his deep appreciation that I played the piano for him and spoke to him kindly during his visits.

ADC from my Great-Grandfather: During the lowest, most difficult time in my life, I had a powerful and realistic dream of my great-grandfather.  He visited me in the dream to communicate that my life was headed in the wrong direction.  I agreed, but I was unsure what to do.  I asked him for his advice.  He just smiled and “said” (there were not words, exactly) that I already knew exactly what to do.  Look into my heart and follow my intuition.  When I awoke, I did indeed know exactly what to do.  I followed my own advice and changed the course of my life by making the difficult decision that I had previously been ignoring.

Other ADCs I’ve had:

ADC From my Grandmother: When my friend’s grandmother passed away I was attending her funeral thinking of my own grandmother.  Just then, the classical music being played in the funeral home was my grandmother’s signature piece that she played on the piano,  “Rhapsody in Blue.”  When I went outside a few minutes later, I was speaking to another friend’s mother when I realized she was wearing my grandmother’s perfume, “White Shoulders”.  I remarked about it, and my friend’s mother said that although she never typically wore that perfume, she decided to on that day on a whim.

ADC from my Grandfather (Pop-Pop): My grandfather, who I always called “Pop-Pop” passed away a little over two years ago.  About 6 months after he passed, I was thinking of him while driving home on the highway.  I mused that it would be nice if I could have a sign from him.  Just then, a car merged onto the highway right in front of me with the license plate that said “POP-POP”. PopPopStunned, I managed to get a picture of it! The picture is not the best – it was a rainy night, I was driving and shaky from excitement, but you can clearly see that the car right in front of me says, ‘POP-POP’. That was proof positive in my mind!

[Update June 2nd, 2016]

I just received four incredible new ADCs from my grandfather!  Because of his love of Disneyworld and the trips we’ve taken together in my childhood, I asked my grandfather to send me something in reference to his favorite ride at the park: “It’s a Small World After All” (you know, the one with the dancing dolls?).  I knew it was a tall order, but I was prepared to wait.  Well, it’s been three years but holy cow did he come through in a big way!  First, as the ice cream truck went by our house the song abruptly changed to ‘It’s a Small World After All”.  The next day, we received some random junk mail – a catalog that had the words ‘Its a small world after all” emblazoned on the front (I cut it out, it’s now on the fridge!).  Lastly, yesterday when I logged onto to check the news, there was an entire article on the history of the ride!  When I clicked on the video, the familiar strains of the song came bursting through my speakers and I knew it wasn’t coincedence.. my grandfather isn’t subtle.  Finally, I received a call from my mother at work.  The church next door was playing ‘Its a small world after all’ on the church bells.  The church bells!? Four random references to the very song I asked about in one week  and not a common song by any means – Amazing!!

My Mother’s ADC from her Mother, my Grandmother: My mother sadly lost her mother to cancer two weeks after I was born (you can read my post about my pre-birth visitation to my grandmother here).  My mother’s life took a difficult turn in the years following her mother’s death and yet she didn’t get any communication from her.  It wasn’t until I was 16 years old – 16 years after my grandmother’s death when my mother got a very powerful communication, and it happened at the lowest point of my mother’s life, when she was directionless, miserable and desperate. She sat in the car, crying and begging her mother for some kind of sign.

Not long after that, she had a crystal clear and realistic dream of her mother in that same car, sitting in the back seat.  My mother no longer remembers the content of what was said, but the image and symbolism was important.  My mother was driving, in charge of her life, but her mother was in the backseat reassuring her and giving her directions.  It was meant to say that even though my mother is in charge of her own destiny, that her mother is still very much a part of her life, guiding her ‘from the back seat’.

My Step-Father’s ADC from his Father: My step-father lost his father to a sudden heart-attack over 20 years ago.  He was describing his father to someone once and said that his father was one of those un-emotional types of men who never told his kids ‘I love you’.  Although my step-father knew he was loved, he recalls that he never heard those words actually said to him.  Not long after that conversation, my step-father had a ultra-real dream when his father appeared to him and said, “Son, I LOVE YOU!”.  I guess he had heard that conversation and wanted to make it clear that even if those words hadn’t been spoken in life, they were true nonetheless.

My Grandmother’s ADC from her husband, my Grandfather: A week or two after my grandfather died, my Grandmother who I call ‘Nanny’ received a message from my Grandfather, her husband, that was undeniable. My grandparents loved Florida – they had a condo on the gulf coast, and used to take my family to Disney World, which are some of my favorite memories of my childhood.  On the mantle in the room where my Grandfather died, was a music box of a carousel from Disney World with all of the Disney Characters on it.  The music box hadn’t been touched in years, but after my Grandfather died, and on two separate occasions the music box started playing “It’s a small world” when my Grandmother walked into the room.

My Friend’s ADC from her Father: My best friend tragically lost her father when she was just turning 25.  It was devastating for all of us. Though he had been sick for a long time, he always seemed to pull through. My friend knew on the morning that he passed away, she had some sort of premonition.  As we were getting coffee, she put her hand on my arm and stopped me.  Looking at me intensely, she vowed that if her father died she would go to Ireland to visit her father’s relatives. Around 7 hours later, her father passed away in the hospital.  That weekend, we drove to a local park together as she was working through her intense grief.  As we were driving up, we could hear the strains of Irish bagpipe music.  When we pulled up, we were stunned to see a man in full Irish regalia playing the bag pipe, something that is traditionally done at Irish funerals.  There was no particular reason for this man to be in the park that day – there was no party or funeral.  He was standing completely alone, in the park, in his Irish kilt playing bagpipe music.  We both knew this was a sign from her father.  Years later, she did keep her promise and went to Ireland.

Second ADC: My friend felt her father’s hand on her shoulder as she was driving to the hospital after he had passed.

[Update August 26, 2016]

My Mother’s ADC from a family friend: This is a brand new ADC that occurred a few weeks ago.  Last autumn, a friend of the family named Romit sadly passed away from a quick form of aggressive cancer.  My mother and step-father visited him the night before he passed away.  My mother reminisced about the fabulous pool parties that they had been invited too.  Romit pulled out all of the stops for these parties, with the best food and entertainment, and of course, the huge in-ground pool that my mother, a swimmer, enjoyed tremendously.  When she saw Romit before his passing, she expressed her appreciation and gratitude for the pool parties.  A few weeks back, she thought of Romit again and talked out loud to him about the regret she felt that she would never attend another of his pool parties.  She had said that ‘he promised her another pool party’, likely a reference to what they spoke about the night before his passing.

The very next day, my step-father walked into the kitchen to tell my mother that they had been invited to a pool party.  My step-father knew nothing of the conversation my mother had had with Romit’s spirit the day before or her joking admonition that she was ‘promised’ a pool party and wouldn’t get it.  The pool party invite was with a distant friend or relative, and who invited them was inconsequential.  The whole point was the fact that Romit heard my mother, and the invite to a pool party came the next day.  It was Romit’s way of saying, “I can’t give you another pool party, but I will make sure you get an invitation to a different one!”

My Grandmother’s ADC from her husband: My stepfather’s mother is 91 years old.  Her husband passed away more than 20 years ago.  One night she had a very realistic ‘dream’ that she was walking through a hospital.  Her husband appeared and said, “I miss you.  I want you to be with me.”  She believes that this was a legitimate communication from her husband.

What do you think?

These are the after-death communications that were experienced by just a small circle of my friends and family, and you can see that there were quite a lot of them.  You can perhaps suggest that we were delusional, hallucinating or you can even accuse me of lying, but that’s where a little bit of faith and intuition comes into play.  When communications happen, you have a choice: throw it away as a coincidence, to choose to see it as a loving message of a loved one in spirit who wants you to know that they were more than just their body – the essence of who they are lives on. Their personality, sense of humor and most importantly their emotional connection with their loved ones survive.

So, have you experienced an after-death communication?  Do you know someone else who has?  Tell us about it in the comments!

363 thoughts on “After Death Communications: How to Encourage Signs From Loved Ones In Spirit

  1. My husband (actually ex-husband, but we stayed good friends for years and neither of us remarried) died in July. I didn’t realize how much of a rock he had been to me over the years. Even with his illness, he was in some way, always there for me when I needed help. He passed away suddenly from heart failure. We didn’t know he was near the end and never even had a chance to say good-bye to him.

    I haven’t had much of an ADC with him, although I talk to him. I’ve been becoming more distraught because I don’t know if his absence is because he didn’t love me or because he can’t communicate with me.

    When my younger sister passed away in 1998, and I fought hard to keep her alive, but she died of cancer…it was as if heaven opened up, and I had many, many profound dreams, heard her voice while awake, visions. And it was right after her death, so I have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that he doe not know how to use his spirit form. How could my sister’s ADC have been so overpowering and profound, and my husband’s hardly a whisper. I went to the mausoleum today, and for the first time, felt a true sense of peace in that beautiful room. But after I leave, I just start crying again, because I fear he doesn’t love me and that I will never see him again. It’s getting to the point where I am inconsolable and wanting to join him.


    1. Dear Rose,
      I am so sorry for both of your losses. It can be very difficult to accept when someone passes and you don’t get the sign you are waiting for, but I am sure it’s not because your husband doesn’t love you. I’ve never come across a spirit whose love decreased when they joined the spirit world. There are a lot of reasons why you may not have heard anything yet. First, it’s really only been two months since his passing, and its not unusual for the first signs to come 3-6 months after, or even as long as a year. Secondly, you mentioned that your husband died suddenly whereas your sister battled a long illness. When someone dies without being prepared for it, they often need intense counseling on the other side to come to terms with their own passing. Your sister had time on this side of life to prepare mentally for the possibility of leaving the body, but your husband may be confused or upset by what occurred. If this is the case, he may not be able to concentrate on sending you a sign until he himself has comes to terms with his own death. You may even be picking up on the unsettled feelings he is dealing with as he processes his death. Your husband may also feel extremely guilty for leaving you and other loved ones behind. The best thing you can do is send your husband feelings of love and acceptance. Tell him especially that while you are sad that he had to leave, you accept that this was his time and encourage him to accept it as well. I can’t promise for sure that you will get a sign, but I do believe that you should give it some more time. Spirits are surrounded by love and acceptance, not negativity. He does love and appreciate you and the time you shared, and hopefully sometime in the next 3-6 months, you’ll get the communication you are hoping for.
      All the best to you,


  2. I have twin babies that passed soon after they were born. I felt that they could communicate with me when I carried them. I feel them visit me from time to time. I know it could be grief. The serenity I get from the presences is invaluable. I felt such guilt about their passing. They communicate with colors and light. Most often with rainbows and beautiful pictures of heaven that I see here on earth. I had such great plans for my life and raising them. I just appreciate the serendipity of knowing they are whole and well. They are not suffering and they don’t want me to suffer. There is a song. “I’m gonna love you, like I’m gonna lose you. “. Last night my family and I were out to eat. There was no music playing in the restaurant, then starts the song. I had the babies on my mind. I sang that song big and loud to my unborn children. I had a lose of a son. He was stillborn earlier that same year. We felt so blessed to have the twins come into our life after his loss. Like a higher power understood our pain. Somehow it could be set right. So I just could connect with the lyrics and remember that I love them, no matter how long the time we had with them was.
    So last night I was sure they were choosing the music from heaven. Telling me that they are not lost and they are ok and they love me too.


  3. I have heard from three loved ones who have died, probably four. Two of these experiences were somewhat lengthy actual conversations with the deceased. Two of them were not conversations, but comments; i.e., after my father died in 1976 and I was standing at the grave, my father told me to look at the different species of evergreen trees at the cemetery near his grave. He had always been interested in nature and in fact was a scientist. The most recent experience I had was from my sister who died unexpectantly this past June. I was crying, sobbing, at night and I heard her voice in my head saying, “Why are you grieving, I am happy and free.” This was a long conversation and I asked her, “What was it like to die?” She laughed and said, “You would want to know the details!” And she did tell me the details. She said she was aware of being transported to Hospice treatment in her own house from the hospital. Then she said she experienced “floating” (she was sedated heavily during this time and had asked not to be aware of anything). Then she said she felt being sucked out of her body. We talked of some other things – I did not ask her any more about the death experience. Her personality was still there exactly as in life, and she called me by my name and also my nickname during the conversation. I am absolutely convinced it was her and am very grateful. It helped 100% in my grieving process. I did not ask for this communication as I am a religious person and would never, ever seek a medium I do not know why I have had these conversations but I am a deeply praying person and pray to the Lord all the time. Maybe there is an open channel?


  4. Over the years I’ve had many communications from deceased loved ones and visions. My maternal grandmother died and I was lost in grief. Thinking about suicide. I was fully awake laying on my bed. I saw in an oval shaped frame my grandfather standing and my grandmother sitting beside him with sewing in her lap. Telepathically I heard my grandmother say to me “You WILL see us again.” She said it two times. I was frozen somewhat. I did a double take and the vision was gone. But, at that point every ounce of my terrible grief was gone! Poof! I was grief free. I also had a telephone communication from my grandmother. She said two things which were “This may be the place for some but not for me” and “You won’t believe how hard it is to get anyone to do what you want around here”.


    1. Linda,
      What an amazing experience – thank you so much for sharing it. I’m so glad you got that confirmation from your grandmother in your vision. She obviously knew you were in terrible distress and got through to you in that moment when you needed it most. Telephone communications are rare – how fascinating what she said. It sounds like she’s struggling a bit in her transition. It’s not uncommon. It is actually comforting, because the afterlife is not some weird dreamland where the people we love turn into different people. Their personalities remain in-tact, even when they complain! I hope she is settling in better, and that you are also feeling better!
      Take care,


  5. Thank you so much for the uplifting and informative article. My husband passed away 19 months ago, and I am still experiencing severe grief. A few days ago, I had awakened, crying, and feeling so lonely. I sat out on the deck, as I usually do, drinking coffee and watching the birds. In my sadness and loneliness, I said “Please give me a sign that you are with me”. The words were barely out of my mouth, when a Falcon flew from the side of the house, across my line of vision, maybe 3 feet off the ground, about 20 feet from me. He flew to the north of our property, then began circling, going higher and higher until I could no longer see him. Oftentimes, I may be sitting in my chair, and all of a sudden get a feeling to get up and look out one of the windows, and am blessed to see a special bird or a flock of birds or something unusual. One day, two feathers floated down, right outside the window, and landed on the deck – my husband went by the name “TwoFeather”! I feel strongly that these are all signs he sends me to let me know he is close by. Your article is a re-affirmation of these feelings. Thank you.


  6. My husband passed suddenly from a heart attack last year at 38. He was kept on life support for a week, but I believe his spirit crossed over the day of his heart attack. After a full day of tests and procedures in the hospital, I went home to get a few hours rest-just my dogs and me in the house. I fell asleep on the couch and woke up to the sound of the fan next to our bed upstairs turning on. I got scared thinking someone had broken into our house. From the other end of the house, one of my daughter’s toys started playing familiar lullaby music. I immediately felt that Jim’s spirit was trying to get a message to me. There have been countless signs including songs, doves, gestures and sayings of his that the kids since and I never used before. More than anything there’s a strong feeling of him being with us. He’s visited friends & family in dreams and even told two of them that he hadn’t visited my dreams because I wasn’t ready, which is absolutely right. The one time I saw him in a dream, I woke up abruptly and so upset because I needed to get to him. So, I’m working on my stubborn soul with some meditation


    1. Liz, I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband but I’m all glad that he has delivered so many signs to you and your family and that you have been open to recieving them. You bring up an important point about not necessarily being ready for a visitation. It can be traumatic and many people who suffer a loss and want a sign don’t realize that some healing needs to take place first. Thank you for sharing your story and please let us know if you get any more signs from your husband. Take care, Jenn


  7. Can pets communicate with us after death? My dog passed away over a week ago and I want her to let me know that she is okay. I love and miss her terribly. My heart is breaking.


    1. It was odd that I had a dream about my sister’s beloved collie a week ago. They both left us decades ago. I had actually hoped for a dream of my own dog who died in 2014, but instead, after 20+ years, I have a dream of Daisy. I don’t remember seeing my sister in the dream, but Daisy was tied to my parents’ porch railing and someone said not to untie her. I I didn’t listen to them and did it anyway, and I gave Daisy a huge hug. Can’t understand why she was tied, as she was certainly babied by everyone and never tied anywhere when she was here. At any rate, the family (me) comes for her again to show her unconditional love.


      1. How wonderful to dream of Daisy and to be able to give her a hug. I’m very happy for you. I hope that you can dream of your fur baby one day and that I can too. I long to hold my Annie in my arms and give her a hug.


        1. I think you will get a sign from Annie. It will probably come when you least expect it. I am still waiting to hear from my husband, he passed on in early July. I believe with my heart that when the time is right, he will come.


  8. These incidents are obviously more common than we realise (and another great article Jenn. Thankyou).

    My beloved partner took his own life on August 28th 2005. Sitting by his casket in the funeral home the night before the service, I asked him to visit me in my dreams. It would be the only way I could see him again. But after a year, was distraught because I’d never dreamt of him once. Did it mean I hadn’t loved him enough to be fully impacted by his death? Because it didn’t feel that way to me. I felt devastated.

    But though I didn’t dream of him during that first 12 months, I experienced several ADC’s that were extraordinary gifts.

    The first happened about 5 months after his death. I was woken instantly and immediately one night hearing him say “hello”. Just that one word but said so clearly I fully expected to see him standing in the doorway. I was startled wide awake.

    The second incident involved his DVD player. Some months after the funeral his ashes were still at the funeral home. The thought of collecting them was so confronting during those first months that I still couldn’t bring myself to do it.
    Our end of the working-week Friday night ritual had always been a nice dinner, white wine in summer, red in winter and a good movie. It was the first time I’d used the DVD player since his death and put on a movie, which I couldn’t get interested in, so turned off both the DVD player and the TV. Late that night, with no radio, DVD or TV on (so it was completely quiet) I was reading when I heard a noise and looked up to see the DVD player had switched on and was playing the CD that was still in it (without the TV being on). I thought it was odd but just pressed on the remote, thinking I’d get up in a minute and take the disc out. I went back to reading and 5 minutes later it made another noise and I looked up to see written on the display, not “resume” but “resqme”. A “Q” where the “U” should have been. I had been feeling horribly guilty for being too cowardly to go in and collect his ashes, but his “rescue me” message was telling me he wanted to come home.
    (And ashes were collected pronto the next day).

    The two most amazing contacts came years apart – the first around June 2006 (nine or ten months after his death) and the second just recently in October 2018. Both of those followed exactly the same pattern. Initially I was asleep but was then woken by movement on the bed, like a cat or small dog walking around (I had neither), and in the second before becoming fully awake I’ve felt him. The first time he sat down on the bed next to me – I felt the weight of him sitting down, I felt the sheets tighten around me. I even heard his hand pass over the stiff fabric of the quilt cover as he reached out to touch me. The second time was the same but this time he lay down beside and behind me and I felt one arm come around me from underneath and the other around me from above.
    They were the most amazing experiences. (But rare – 12 years apart).

    The other very significant incident happened on the 10 year anniversary of his death. I’d been dreading it, I was sad and missing him terribly. I’d spent the day before reprinting the precious few photos I have of him (from the days before every phone had a camera and every person had a phone). The colour wasn’t coming out right so I ended up spending hours adjusting and reprinting, all the while staring into his beautiful face. At the time I lived alone with no children, no pets and no recent visitors. When I got up the next morning, the day of the anniversary, one of his old cheque books was lying open on the carpet in the middle of the living room floor. I have no explanation for how it got there. All his old cheque books and bank books were in a duffle bag under a desk in another room. All I know is that he was telling me he was still looking after me.

    There have been other smaller things that happen more often – a song from his funeral coming on as I enter the supermarket, the way he smelled – sometimes I can smell his presence for a few consecutive days.

    He died at home while I was away. Afterwards I couldn’t afford to continue to live there by myself and had to move but wanted to remember “our home” so took many photos of the interior as it was and again once it was empty. And in nearly every photo there are little round orbs of light.
    I used the same camera to take photos of the new place and none of them have it.

    So I don’t doubt for a second now that we continue to survive our physical death. I’d always hoped it was true but didn’t really believe it (to be honest I was a fairly big sceptic). Not so anymore.
    Now I KNOW that we do.
    And I am so amazed and so grateful for these experiences – they don’t come often but when they do, they are like rare and precious gifts.


  9. My grandad who was like a father to me passed a few months ago. I was lucky enough to hold his hand and tell him how much I loved him when he passed.

    A few months later a butterfly landed on my car. He was always making sure my car was running. It was right near the drivers side and it was raining. I thought it may be him and said something Nice but brushed it off – because it’s a butterfly and not to jump to conclusions.

    A few days later I was sitting at home and a butterfly landed on my door and wouldn’t leave. My cat was even trying to get it. I talked to it like it was my grandfather. And if I didn’t need anymore convincing I had about 6 more butterfly’s fly through my patio. They were all the same colours.


  10. My mum died when I was 10. I’m now 18 and only just experiencing the grief and it hurts a lot. In my opinion I haven’t received any signs from her and I often wonder is there even anything after death, which makes me extremely upset since it means I’d never see her again.
    And yet reading these comments reminds me of my experiences with the ocean. She always said that when she died she wanted to be cremated and her ashes scattered in the bay where she grew up. Before she died I hated the water, especially the ocean, and was always afraid I was going to drown.
    It took awhile but after she died I found myself falling in love with the ocean. Even today looking out at the horizon gave me a sense of peace whilst I was having some anxiety. Last year during summer I went paddleboarding at a beach that had had several shark attacks that month already, and even went out far enough that there was a genuine risk of me getting swept out to sea – the only reason I wasn’t was because I had to paddle as hard as I could for half an hour straight (very exhausting).
    Similarly in Fiji I went snorkelling for 2 hours straight as far out to sea as I could go. I very nearly fainted as soon as I was back on land due to being severely dehydrated and suffering from heatstroke, but whilst in the sea I felt like I could swim forever.
    I’ve had many more experiences of the like swimming at quite dangerous beaches but I never feel afraid and nothing has ever happened to me. I also adore boat rides on choppy waters. I like to think that maybe my mum is protecting me while I’m in the ocean, and that since all bodies of water are connected it doesn’t matter where I go, she’ll always be with me.
    Like I said earlier, it doesn’t really feel like it’s her but reading all your comments has given me hope. I’ll continue to work through this grief and hope that I’ll see her again. Thank you everyone.


  11. Hi Jenn, thanks for the great job you do here!
    I too have suffered a loss – my mother passed away just a year ago. We were extremely close, and it’s been very difficult for me to go on.
    Some time before she passed we were talking about spiritual matters, and she told me that if it is possible and if she is able, she will return and give me a sign/let me know the afterlife exists and she is watching over me.
    But a year has passed and…no clear sign arrived.
    I had three extremely weird dreams though.
    The first came just a few months after her passing. I don’t remember the exact circumstances, only that she said “I don’t like it here at all, come and take me home!”
    The second was exactly one year after her passing. I dreamt I was trying to reach her, but she was in a sort of cellar or underground place, very narrow and with low ceiling; a voice told me she had to stay there because she had to “carry all those sacks” . There were no sacks to be seen.
    The third dream came just a few days ago. I was in our home, in the living room and saw her by the door; she took the form of a black two-dimensional shadow/silhouette, with her back bent and unmoving. I tried to go towards her, but an extraordinary weight was pressing me into the couch so I could not move.
    I am extremely disturbed by these “dreams”.
    I am not sure whether they are real communications, or just my mind playing tricks because of the depression I’m fighting with.
    If they are real, does she need help? What can I do? How can I “go and take her home’?
    Please, if anyone has any suggestions, help me! I am getting desperate! She was my whole life and I would do anything for her!


    1. Dear Puiu, I’m so so sorry about your loss. Your dreams can be related to many things, including your depression. I would always suggest seeing a grief counselor or therepist regardless, just to help you to deal with this loss. From a spiritual perspective, it’s possible that your mom is having a hard time. Not all transistions go smoothly. I can assure you that no one is left alone. It’s also possible that there’s something left unresolved. Could it be that your mom feels guilty for leaving you? Do you feel like you and your mom left something unresolved?Here’s what I suggest to anyone who is having issues like this, and you are not alone in them. What I’ve read suggests that our loved ones can hear us when we speak. I would talk to your mother out loud. Tell her that it’s ok. That you want her to be happy and that you are always going to love her. Talk about anything that might have been unresolved. Tell her your fears. Do this a few nights a week for a long as you need to. And see if you feel a change and or finally get that real communication. Let me know how it goes and take care! Jenn


      1. sleep with a piece of her jewelry on and maybe several of her other items under your pillow and write her a letter and be patient she will come i believe


  12. My Dad passed away only 5 days ago. He went into hospital with an illness and died just short of two weeks later.
    He took a bad turn 5 days before his death and we were told to take each day at a time.
    The day before he died I got to speak to him about our memories and as much as I didn’t want to scare him and talk about death I wanted to know if he would like some of his ashes scattering at a certain place I’d thought of, which he did.
    I stayed with him all night I tried to talk to him so he knew he wasn’t alone but I felt I didn’t know what to say.
    We had an amazing bond he was my everything and our silences were never awkward so I knew it was ok.
    Anyway! As much as I knew the inevitable was going to happen, when he did pass and I had left the hospital and was driving home I got this awful overwhelming fear that he was afraid, he wasn’t a religious man nor am I and I began to think “what if there is no “heaven”, what if he is alone”
    I was in the car on my own and just sobbed, I was looking up at the blank grey sky and asked for a sign of him.
    “Please let me know you are ok dad, make the sun shine or something”
    As u explained, bringing the sun up may have been a massive thing to ask!
    Sadly nothing happened the grey sky remained blank.
    Then all of a sudden a circle of birds appeared from no where, I didn’t see them fly in and decide to fly together, they just appeared in a circle!
    I knew it was him, it sounds crazy but I just knew it.
    After the extra 10 minute journey home I had convinced myself I had gone mad so I decided to google it where I found a spirits energy can go into an animal or insect ie bird, butterfly etc!
    The same afternoon my husband spotted a robin on the garden fence I also seen the robin again the following day when I was upset and I have never seen a robin before in my life!
    A couple of nights ago he came to me in a dream, well i dont know if you would call it a dream because i felt awake. I didn’t see him but he was next to my bed, i could sense him, i wasn’t afraid but i was scared to open my eyes. I then held my own hand and started to rub one hand with the other hands thumb (when I held his hand in hospital he would always move his thumb to rub my hand)
    I knew they were my hands, I didn’t reach out to try and find his hand but something urged me to hold my own hand, because of this, again I thought I am going mad its MY hand! At that precise moment I heard a bird squark so loudly 3 times in the back garden (my bedroom is above the garden) I then just knew it was him, it was a bird again!!
    Also, just before going to bed that night I was watching TV and somebody started playing a song on their guitar which was my favorite song he would play.
    The following morning I felt so happy but really tired I felt like Id had no sleep, drained almost.
    Last night nothing happened and I woke up feeling rather angry at the world, I went to his house and found old letters and photographs and had a good cry, I got no signs at his house which has disheartened me, I have had no signs at all today or last night, not even a robin! Im loosing faith in what I believed to be signs from him, why haven’t I had any today? It has made me worry about the grief I am going to feel as they were the only things getting me through.
    Is it because I feel angry? I have cried so much today.


  13. My beautiful husband Peter died 2 months ago.
    IWe had been together for 40 years. I am absolutely devastated. I asked Peter to let me know he was OK and at peace.
    A book we bought for our grandchild fell off the shelf which is above the bed onto my pillow.
    The shelf is deep and no other books fell.

    I found the book on the pillow no one else was in the house.


  14. He’s also convinced that all spiritual experiences have been explained and debunked.

    “we have written about NDE’s in the past (see post above), we’ve dismissed them as superstitious nonsense to be precise, and nothing we’ve seen since has given us cause to change our minds. We believe the ‘Collective Evolution’ website is the original source of the article you refer to, ‘Neuroscientists Believe They’ve Found Proof For Life After Death & Present It To The United Nations’. Among other things the website encourages people to create ‘a spiritual relationship with oneself’, and while they say they report on ‘news, health, science, technology and an accessible … brand of spirituality’, they acknowledge that they belong to the world’s ‘alternative media’. Just as the world has medicine and alternative medicine, and according to President Donald Trump, facts and alternative facts, we also have the media and the alternative media. So if you don’t like what medicine, facts and the media are telling you, you can turn to alternative sources that tells tales more to your liking.
    Straight away we feel that the article’s heading — ‘Neuroscientists Believe … ‘ — is very misleading, implying as it does that neuroscientists as a whole have found proof for life after death. The reality is that the majority of neuroscientists, as well as the majority of scientists and philosophers, believe that consciousness, our mind, is a product of the brain, and would strongly disagree with the article’s claim that, ‘there is a lot of evidence … which indicates that consciousness is something completely separate — that it continues on even after we have deceased, that it is and can be a separate “thing” from the brain’. You’re correct Ron that the article argues that ‘Uncertainty exists’ among neuroscientists over whether our mind is natural or supernatural, but this is an utterly bogus claim, since for the great majority there is no uncertainly whatsoever; the mind is completely natural. Yes, there are a handful of neuroscientists that believe God is creating our minds, our souls, just as there are a handful of evolutionary biologists that believe God created Adam and Eve some 6,000 years ago, and a handful of geologists that believe God created the Grand Canyon as the result of the flood of Noah, and a handful of astronomers that believe God created the entire universe, including all life, in six days. And all these deluded believers, who are also scientists, hold conferences and write books and are supported by websites run by like-minded believers, and if that’s all the information people are exposed to, which is true for many churchgoers, then people can come away with the false belief that atheistic science is on the verge of collapse, to be replaced any day now with god-fearing science that reveals the true glory of God and the part he has played in, well, everything. But the truth is, that’s not going to happen, and the majority of scientists conduct their research and gather their evidence without giving God a second thought, because they’ve long ago realised that there is no evidence of God, and they don’t need a god to make the world work.
    And why are we only hearing about this 2008 conference now, 9 years later in 2017, and only from this alternative media source, since the mainstream media aren’t running the same story? And why was the conference, with their revolutionary new “evidence”, presented at the United Nations to non-scientists rather than to scientists? Because, we suspect, the majority of the general public, especially in the US, believe in souls and life-after-death whereas the majority of scientists don’t. So what might the typical scientific view of that conference have been at the time? A little research turned up an article discussing the conference in ‘New Scientist’ magazine by Amanda Gefter, that was entitled: ‘Creationists declare war over the brain’, and published in October 2008. You can read the first few paragraphs here, which, along with the title, clearly reveals that the mainstream scientific community has a quite different view to that pushed by the likes of Greyson, Schwartz and Beauregard at the conference. Beauregard even spoke of ‘the “battle” between “maverick” scientists like himself’ and mainstream scientists, revealing that their views are fringe views.”

    “So these few maverick neuroscientists are, as the title said, creationists, and that paragraph explains why they are. Like creationists trying to get God back into the science classroom, these ones are trying to get God back into neuroscience. And they’ve even thrown their support behind the infamous Discovery Institute, worldwide promoters of ID (intelligent design), which is just an alternative name for creation science for sneaky God believers too afraid to mention creation science.
    Ron, you ask, ‘Should we be more open-minded to topics like NDE’s?’ We’d reply that we’re already quite open-minded to topics like NDE, as are scientists. Too often people confuse disbelief of something as being close-minded, but disbelief and close-mindedness are two different things. What you should really be asking is whether there is sufficient evidence for scientists to take NDEs seriously, meaning as clear examples of supernatural souls leaving the body? And the answer is no. You go on to write that in the article,”

    “It’s almost as if those deceptive morons with all their scientific training have no understanding of science”.

    “There are a few books disputing NDEs as some kind of afterlife visit, while there are dozens more books affirming NDEs not being illusions. The ones that dispute NDEs have lower ratings than the ones accepting them.
    This has more to do with what people need and desperately want to believe than the strength of the argument.”

    “These eastern beliefs are crumbling. Believers are denying reality and scientific facts.”

    “It all sounds well supported when reading the views of believers, but the reality is that there is no evidence for any of their claims, just wishful thinking.”

    “NDEs have biological explanations, but they’re excuses to cling to fantasies and to feel better about life’s physical, mental suffering and injuries. Believing and convinced they are special.”

    “Just because people appreciate life more and no longer fear death doesn’t mean they’re more than illusions, illnesses, and vivid dreams.”

    The rest of his responses are longer, but I think you’ve got the point.
    Naive neuroscience afterlife believers are sneaking creationism and supernatural into science, they’re morons with scientific training with no understanding of science, the deluded scientists run to alternative media and like-minded people, because they don’t like the facts the media tells them, afterlife believers cherry-pick, afterlife evidence books are from hardcore believers that cherry pick, ect.
    He’s an atheist, and anyone who thinks there’s more to reality than the physical is self-deluded, childish, not skeptical, and doing everything possible to avoid accepting the harsh reality that ‘they’re not special’.
    However, I do agree that the idea of atheism or materialism is dead or collapsing is wishful thinking, though. Just like how religion or paranormal beliefs is not collapsing or dead. Maybe atheism is growing.

    But no wonder people with mystical experiences are afraid to talk about them. And yet somewhere else he uses that as proof that “they know deep down, that death is the end. They don’t want to learn about the causes of mental illness because this would disrupt their worldview. That’s why they talk to like-minded people and pseudoscientists that agree with their beliefs, and refuse to talk to real scientists, skeptics, or even psychiatrists.”

    The website says “start thinking for yourself. Examine the evidence.”
    Well John Ateo, that’s exactly what I’m doing. But perhaps I’m not doing it properly, because I’m open to a world beyond the physical “despite it being debunked, pseudoscientific woo, and not mainstream science”, and that I don’t agree with people who say “religion is a mental illness”.
    And can’t he just stop to think for a minute why those “cowardly, pseudoscientific neuroscientist” rarely post on mainstream? That’s because mainstream science denies things that challenge reductionist materialism so vehemently, not because they’re cowardly and feel safe with like-minded “woo believers”. I could be wrong about that too.

    And no, NDE debunking books do not have a “lower ratings than the books that accept NDEs as something more.” I’ve seen that type of complaint all the time. Mainly from amazon reviewers.

    Whether John likes/believes it or not, it’s time for science to move beyond materialism. Moving beyond materialism is not “arrogant” or “disguising and sneaking religion/supernatural into science, bringing us back into the dark ages, and fear-based.”
    And NDE researchers are not delusional woo promoting wishful thinkers.


  15. I have received an ADC from each of my beloved cats after their recent deaths. My cat Olivia died in July 2017, and she is buried at a pet cemetery. I had a family prayer session for her at the grave site, and while my husband and I along with the owner of the cemetery were waiting for my family members to arrive, a butterfly (Crescent butterfly I think) came and flew in and out of the grave 3 times. Then, another smaller butterfly (Sulfur bluish butterfly) came and went into the grave 1 or 2 times.There were no flowers or plants in the area that would have attracted butterflies.
    I did not think anything of it, but the owner of the cemetery pointed out the presence of the butterflies three times. He said that it was the first time he had seen butterflies come to a grave site. (His cemetery is mostly for humans, but a smaller section of the cemetery is for animals.) My husband helped me realize that Olivia had come to see us, and she was curious about her grave site!
    My cat Trixie recently died on 12 August 2019, and my husband and I have buried her next to our house. After we put Trixie’s body in the grave and as my husband was filling the grave with the soil, I was wondering if we would see a butterfly ADC from Trixie. No butterfly came; however, a short while after I had the thoughts of an ADC, I smelled the sweet aroma of flowers. I asked my husband if he smelled it, and he moved closer to where I was standing, and he said that he could smell the flowers. There are no flowers currently at the side of the house where Trixie is now buried. We actually have few flowers: some daisies at the front of the house and a few geraniums at the back of the house. What I smelled was a little like honeysuckle. If we have a honeysuckle bush in the woods in the back of our house, I do not know where it is. The scent of flowers lasted 15-20 seconds. I have not experienced the scent of flowers like that when the trees and bushes at that side of the house are not in bloom with flowers.
    I believe Olivia and Trixie were communicating with us and making themselves known as being nearby! Thank you very much for the information you have presented!


    1. Angelina, thank you for sharing you story. As. A fellow cat lover, I appreciate hearing how your kitties have shown you their presence and love after they’ve passed on. After my kitty died many years ago, I would feel the sensation of him jumping up on the bed as I was taking asleep. It was his way of telling me that everything is as it should be and that he’s still around. Take care, Jenn


    1. Jess, butterflies represent change and have symbolized the beautiful change of death for many cultures. From the body, we blossom into souls of beauty. For many people, seeing butterflies are a sign from loved ones that they’ve made it through death ok she that everything is even more beautiful on the other side. Do you have a specific reason why you are drawn to butterflies?


  16. I just want to say thank you so much for this.
    It’s been almost 2 weeks since my best friend passed away. She still hasn’t come to see me. Her death has been one of the hardest deaths I have ever dealt with in my life. I’ve had visitations from others (which I would be more than happy to share them with you!) I was getting even more upset due to her not coming to see me. I couldn’t figure out why. I then thought, maybe she’s not ready or maybe she thinks I’m mad at her. *She got caught up with the wrong boyfriend and I warned her. When she told first told me her darkest secret I got so mad and angry I yelled at her while hysterically crying. I told her I loved her and I cared for her and that’s why I’m so angry. We were good after that until my birthday passed and I texted her asking why she didn’t wish me a happy birthday. I knew why she didn’t and I was angry because she lied. About 3 days before she passed she asked me if I wanted to meet up to get my birthday present and unfortunately I never met up with her. A few days later she passed away.
    So today I decided to do some research which is how I came across your article. Everything I was thinking was confirmed. I realized she IS sending me little signs. I was outside with my dogs yesterday and a big black and orange butterfly just literally appeared out of nowhere and my first thought was her.
    Again, thank you for this.


  17. Hello When my father passed away, my mother 2 years after, also went into spirit. She told her family, and prepared, and I believe an illness formed allowing her, her wish to be with my father. 2 years after mom passed, a photo of my older sister, a photo (buried in my files and from another computer drive from an older computer) suddenly popped up on my screen, (a flat screen tv that belonged to my mom) of my sister. Immediately I sensed that this was a premonition as I burst into tears and couldn’t stop crying. About 6 weeks after that I did visit my sister minutes before she left this earth, and was glad to have been with her when she left us. I also realize my family in spirit, has their own spiritual progress to consider, and despite my grief I feel my mother many times close to me. I have over come grief but still miss my mom, famil, friends, on the other side, very much.


  18. My mom and dad appeared to me in the shower. The morning of moms funeral. I had asked her the day before to let me know she “made it”. Didnt really expect what happened. So the next morning, I got in the shower and was really being overly sentimental of this being the last time I’d ever be showering in the old bathroom. Then as I was shampooing I was attempting to picture my mom… And then it happened. Her and my father appeared together fully embracing and waving to me w joy in there faces. I about fell over. I describe it as a portal w space behind and around them but no stars. I am the skeptical one of 10 kids. Why me? I’m the one who has to share news, which I did. Oddly, I had never seen them embrace (couldn’t have conjured that image)
    Why the waving? . (so that it couldn’t be discarded as a flash image?)
    Distance? 10 feet I guess
    How they looked? Great.. Ageless…
    I did feel an overwhelming sense of joy and peace and love.
    No fear of death now… I have had a few close calls.
    I have heard a few stories from people I know. They were also in the shower. Over half of them. I think looking into the fact that showers increase probability would be neat. I have seen one snippet in my reading that a medium uses the shower for “best results” I truly have found no other shower references. Just an idea


  19. Hi Jenn
    I think you are doing a great job here!
    I too have a problem which I feel you might help me solve. Any advice is appreciated!
    I am from an Eastern European country and 15 years ago I met my actual wife who is from the US and was visiting my country.
    We fell in love, married, and she moved to my country where we have lived ever since.
    Problem is, she had a brother in the US – a confirmed bachelor, who had presumed she would never marry and would take care of him in his old age. He absolutely hated me and never wanted to meet me or have any contact with me in all these years. He thought I had “stolen” his sister and it was my fault he was all alone in the US while she lived in a foreign country being married to me.
    I have to say all three of us are/were over 50 years of age.
    We managed to juggle the relationship all this time, in that she would visit him, staying in the US for 1-2 months each year.
    I never saw him in person, and we only spoke on the phone 2 or 3 times when he was calling her and I happened to pick up the phone. Those times we only exchanged a few polite words – but this explains the fact that I know his voice very well.
    This man passed away in February, 24 hours after getting his second Covid vaccine. He was alone at home, and was found 3 days after by a worried neighbour…
    According to his wishes, he was cremated with no religious service. This is what he wanted, leaving specific instructions about it in his will.
    My wife and I then travelled to the US to settle the inheritance, house, etc.
    While we were in the US I received a very strange phone call.
    It was 5 in the morning, and I was asleep so at first didn’t really understand what was going on.
    The phone – a landline – rang normally, waking up my wife too – so it was not a dream.
    On the phone was my wife’s deceased brother – I explained above that I know his voice very well – he sounded very clear, not muffled or echoing.
    He seemed not to hear me and he did not answer any question from me – he was just talking, as if to himself .
    What he said was this; I don’t know where I am; I don’t know how I got here; I am in darkness; I can’t seem to find my way out of this darkness; there is something very strange going on but I don’t know what this is; I can’t see; I don’t know what has happened to me.
    I tried to talk to him, calling his name etc but he didn’t answer – he just kept repeating these phrases over and over, as if he could not hear me.
    Then the phone line started getting all kinds of clicks and it cut off.
    I was completely awake; what’s more, my wife was next to me and she saw me talk on the phone, though she could not hear what the other person was saying.
    The landline has a system of recording calls, so we accessed it and it appeared as if the call had come from a common acquaintance in the UK. She is a 87-year-old, ill and bedridden woman. We called her back and of course she had not made any phone call to the US at that time (it was the middle of the night in the UK). Plus, she is a woman and the voice belonged to a man. She lives on her own, so the possibility of a prank call is highly improbable.
    Now I keep wondering; if this call really came from my wife’s deceased brother, why did he choose to call me, when i life we hardly ever spoke and he could not stand me?
    And second – what am I supposed to do now?
    I assume his soul is not at rest. I come from a Christian Orthodox tradition, in which it is a sin to cremate the deceased. He was a lapsed Catholic who rejected his faith and lived as a gay atheist…
    What can I do?
    How could I help him?
    What do you think? Can you offer me any advice?
    Thank you in advance – any help is appreciated!
    Sorry for the long post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is really really interesting. Thank you so much for sharing! What you describe makes sense although it is a highly rare experience! I would love to give you a full explanation of what I think it’s going on but I think will actually make a good post. Do you mind if I turn your comment into a post where I can explain to all of our be readers what might be an happening with your brother in law and how to help him?


      1. Dear Jenn,
        It would be great if you turned my message a post and explained to me and all your readers what is happening to my brother in law and how to help him!
        Thank you so much!


      2. Dear Jenn, It would be great if you turned my message a post and explained to me and all your readers what is happening to my brother in law and how to help him! Thank you so muc h!Sent from my iPhone



      3. Dear Jenn, It would be great if you turned my message a post and explained to me and all your readers what is happening to my brother in law and how to help him! Thank you so much!

        Sent from my iPhone



        1. Siluan or A M, what is your real name? And why are you posting the same post from two different accounts? That is odd… And what was the name of your brother in law? Is it possible to verify your story?


  20. My first ADC was with my grandmother. It was within a year of her death at 91-years-young. I was asleep and I heard her call me by my first name the way she always said it. She always raised her voice to a higher pitch on the second syllable of my name and held it a little longer. I woke up and saw her standing there. It was very clear. I didn’t see her fade or disappear. She just was there and then she wasn’t. I felt peace and that she was telling me she would be bringing me good things in the next year. Many good things did happen to me and I felt her presence. Many years later my mother died of cancer. We had a tumultuous relationship. After she passed, the hospice nurse hugged me and said, “Don’t be surprised if you get a visit from her.” I knew what she meant because of the previous experience of my grandmother. I also knew that my mother didn’t love me, and would never visit. That was 16 years-ago, and she has never come to me. In fact, it is just the opposite. If I try to wear her jewelry, it breaks. If I try to wear her blouse, the button falls off, and on and on. I laugh and say, “I’ve got it mother.” I was a daddy’s girl and we were inseparable after my mother’s death. It was the best 4 years of our lives. He was under hospice care at my home. I was alone with him when his heart failed. The house felt big and hollow. His hospice bed was in front of a big beautiful window in my house. Within seconds, there was a sudden rain shower. It rained hard briefly and stopped after less than a minute. I felt strongly that was when the angels took him by the hand and through that window to heaven. Months later, I went to a hospice gathering for those who passed that year. We all released butterflies into the air. A butterfly flew back down and attached to my arm. I kept trying to knock the butterfly off, but he was more powerful than me. We had to go back in the building and I didn’t want him to end up inside, so I brushed him off harder. He went away, but just before entering the building, he came back and attached himself to my shoulder. A bystander had been watching and remarked, that that was a spiritual thing. Enough time has passed that this year, I wasn’t thinking about the upcoming anniversary of my dad’s death. Every day that week, I took my dog out my front door around 5 pm. An identical butterfly swarmed around me each day that week, right off my porch, when I went out to walk the dog. The butterfly was almost a nuisance. I thought of my dad, but it took four days for me to realize he was reminding me of the anniversary of his death. When alive, he made sure I never forgot his birthday. For a month before, he constantly dropped hints about his birthday coming up. Guess he was just as passionate about his death anniversary.

    I met my husband when I was 15. We got engaged, and within a few weeks, he was involved in a bad car crash and was hospitalized for over 3 years. It was seven months before we thought for sure he could make it. We married within a year after the accident. We dated for 4 years and were married for 10 years. He had the accident while in the military and was hospitalized away from home. He had some drug problems I didn’t know about until he was discharged and began having problems keeping jobs, among other things. I wasn’t surprised because he had undergone many surgeries and had been on morphine. I thought they had gotten him off during his recovery. Problems began, and during a talk, he confessed that near the end of his recovery, just before being discharged from the military, he had 2 brief affairs on me. It killed my self-esteem. I was protective of his feelings. He had been through so much. I forgave him, didn’t get angry, and kept it all in. He promised me he would do no more drugs, and for over 2 years, I saw no evidence of it. He was gainfully employed. My friends were having children and I wanted to start a family. Then, I found drugs. I wasn’t confident after that to have children. A smooth-talker came along, and I had an affair and left him. I hurt him badly, but he didn’t fight for me. He just let me go. Never even got angry. The guy was an abuser and we were married for 3 years, then I left him. My 1st husband and I began seeing each other, but by that time, he had a live-in girlfriend. He was taking me to dinner and coming to visit. I think she knew it and became pregnant. She knew he would do the right thing and marry her. We had remained friends and talked often, but we never discussed our issues from the past. From the day he got married, he never spoke to me again, as though he never knew me. I never understood. They had two children, and he adored them. I saw that he got his life together and it would have been okay for us to have children. His children are now grown. For years, I’ve been riddled with guilt that I cheated on him and let him go. I wanted to just talk to him about how my low self-esteem helped lead me astray, and that I made a mistake and was sorry. I had no intention of interfering with his family. I just never expected that he would stop speaking and I wouldn’t get a chance to say those things. I prayed for God to provide the opportunity to talk. It never happened. Recently, I felt strongly that he may pass. I began googling his name for an obituary every few weeks. He just died. I am devastated. God showed me that he never meant for us to have that much needed talk. Now that he is with God, we could have that talk without hurting anyone. Is it possible that he may come to me spiritually and bring me peace? I don’t know why he couldn’t speak to me or acknowledge I existed beginning the day he got married. I am grieving profusely. I want to know why he suddenly stopped speaking. I have questions and things I want to say. Do you believe it could spiritually happen even though he left a widow?


  21. I will try and make this short, I had a lot of ADC from my auntie and maybe my dad too. Here is mine story, my aunt and I were the best of friends for years, but an issue occurred 4 years ago and we didn’t talk for over 1 year. I finally called and the communication started but there were still hurt feeling between us. My Aunt and mom were not friends, I Mom loved my aunt ( her sister ), and I believe my aunt loved her too but they just didn’t get alone very well, as my aunt was a very hurtful to her verbally. So there was no communication between them over the same issue 4 years ago.
    Last year, my aunt called my mom (August), and said I want to have Karen fly out and drive me to visit, my mom said they talked for over an hour. My Mom called me and I couldn’t believe it! I was very excited called my aunt when I got home. I aunt had a few heath issues and couldn’t fly, therefore I made plans for fly out west and drive her and her dogs to my home for Thanksgiving. The trip was great and we had a wonderful time on the ride, the last night on the road I was walking the dogs and went to the room and the key wouldn’t work I was knocking on the door and finally my aunt opened the door and she had the door knob in her hand we laughed and so hard.
    We had a great visit, but my aunt had a stroke the Monday before thanksgiving. As a result, my aunt after a hospital visit and physical therapy she passed away on Christmas day,
    I aunt had changed her trust and had another person in charge, anyway this person was getting the house, I was allowed to fly out and get her personal stuff but was not allowed to get anything that was worth anything. While I was there we had a celebration of life for my aunt, I didn’t know any of the people and every one chatted how wonderful this friend was in taking care of my aunt (this person never let us know my aunt had health issues).
    Anyway, instead of flying back, I rented a car so I could take back clothes and a few pictures. I was so hurt after the celebration of life I just wanted to leave but couldn’t as I wasn’t picking up the rental for two more days ( I was staying with this friend). I was angry at my aunt for allowing this person to control her trust and telling me I couldn’t have items that belonged to the family.
    The morning I was leaving it was very early and the friend of hers was still sleeping, I was going out the door which I had opened 3 times that night packing things but this time the door knob came off! I was like oh hell and put it back on and got in the vehicle and was backing out and there was a large oil spill on the driveway, but it was behind the rear passenger tire. The vehicle’s oil pressure was fine, I was driving and did have a issue with the vehicle having a vibration while driving at 65 – 70. My dad was a mechanic and passed away 7 years old I was talking out allowed saying dad please help me get home (2100) mile to drive the vibration would just stop. I planned on getting home in 2 days, that day (first day) I was driving and it was around 10:00 at night I was just passed El Paso and was driving about 80 mile per hour my mom called and said I needed to stop and get some sleep it is late, I remember saying but mom the road is lit up and I can see fine? My Mom said what the road is lit, I said yes ( there was very little traffic and no lights as I was on the interstate). I stopped driving around 11:00, I got a room, I entered the room and turned the tv on, but it didn’t work, so I checked the power cord it was pugged it a power bar and the light worked as well as the refrigerator I tried the power button on the tv nothing so I said okay I will go to sleep. That morning I reach for the remote and the tv came on? I packed up and get in the vehicle and pulled out no oil on the ground. I planned on getting home that night 1232 mile to go, no issues and while driving around passed Pensacola, my mom called and I remember touching my ear and oh know I lost a diamond ear ring?
    I was so upset, my aunt had a pair of diamond ear rings at my house but I remember saying out loud NO Auntie I’m not wearing your ear rings I will just buy some more, I finally got home early the morning, got a few hours of sleep and woke up and was unpacking the vehicle and in a soft jewelry case I opened it up with my mom there and showed her what is it, I checked the case really good and when I was putting the jewelry back in the case I found small zippy pack with 3 pair of earring one being a pair of diamond ear rings that were bigger than the ones I was wearing it wasn’t there before? As a result, the door knob, the oil on the ground, the well lit interstate at 10:00 pm at night, and the ear rings? I think my dad was mad at this lady – oil on the drive way- he was a mechanic, door knob – I’ve never had a door knob come off , was this my aunt say it’s okay- the tv not working – is auntie saying get some sleep- and than the ear rings?.


    1. Karen, wow… Thank you for sharing your story! ADCs tend to be personal, meaning that only you really know if you were contacted. However, I think at the very least the door knob was probably a sign from your aunt. I am 43 years old and I’ve never had a door knob come off like that. It just doesn’t happen by chance that often! So the fact that it was a nice moment shared by you and your aunt then happened again in a completely different place after her passing makes me think strongly that your aunt was telling you how much she appreciated everything you did for her and how much she enjoyed your time together.
      Take care, Jenn


      1. Thank You for you response about my Aunt and me, I’m still having a few unusual things happening to me. Yesterday I smelled her perfume in my living room, her favorite song starting playing on my alexa without me saying anything. I told my mom I don’t really believe all this is real but i can’t explain these things. I’m very unhappy with everything going on with the trust and this friend. I my said my aunt is trying to say you are going to be okay.

        Liked by 1 person

  22. My mother passed away June 1, 2022 at 11:15 a.m. I don’t know if this means anything but it just keeps coming to my mind. I knew she was dying. I knew death was imminent. All of a sudden it seems when My mother took her last breath…..the world came alive. First my dad’s cell phone rang and he stepped out of the room. As soon as he did my phone alerted me to a text message, and at the same exact moment the hospice nurse pulled into the driveway and my mom took her last breath. It just seems the world came alive at the exact moment she took her last breath. I feel like there is a meaning or message in this somewhere but what? I just keep thinking about it.


    1. Hi Sandie, first I’m sorry for your loss. It’s not uncommon for people to describe things happening at the moment of death. They’re could be a lot of reasons for it.. coincedence, of course. You may have noticed these things because this was the moment your mother passed. But it could also have been the sudden surge of energy in the environment as your mother transitioned, or your mother reaching out to you. I think your phrase “the world came alive” is important here. Maybe that’s the message your mom wants you to know. That when she left her failing body, the world came alive for her again. That she’s free and feeling wonderful! Think on it for a bit If that’s the message, you’ll know and your mom will be satisfied and the thought will stop popping up. Thank you for your comment. Take care, Jenn


  23. My husband died recently from a long bout with cancer. Within a week of him passing I started getting signs. First dimes. As I was cleaning things out I would find random dimes. Then problems with 2 different lights. One quit working entirely, but can find nothing wrong with it. The second one flashes then went out. When I tried it again it worked fine, and continues to work. His grandfather clock quit working at 5:50, got it started again. Few days later a different clock quit at the same time. Once again Fixed. The grandfather clock quit a second time at 5:50. A clock in our sons house also is stopped at the same time. I have not received any more signs from him in weeks. It was nice to get the signs, but I figure he will return when it is right for him.


    1. Donna, I am so sorry for your loss. Its wonderful that your husband is sending signs. Is there any particular relevance to the time of 5:50 or the number 55? What are the chances that 3 different clocks would stop at that exact same time? Maybe there’s another meaning there. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Take care, Jenn


  24. My spouse did commit suicide. After her death, shortly, I believe she tried to communicate with me as she was inducing the urge for such in me. She loved me, and I loved her too.
    We never would separate from each other, literary; and spend most of our time with each other. She also got me a black mirror on my last birthday with her, for channeling other entities. I ‘knew’ she wanted me to use it. I never did. Anger toward the deceased, because of her suicide, until this moment, makes me not want to communicate with her. I am a male and sensitive by nature to other entities, or the departed, human presence. Easier for me to communicate with other entities than humans. I can hear other entities music, singing, chanting, or I can hear departed humans singing or humming at night.

    I think, there would be no communication, (a more direct communication from the departed as they are still with their ‘aspects’ while here), after they do ‘crossover’. When they do crossover, I think we are speaking more with the higher self. Once again, these are speculations, feelings, myself being human and the rational at play, and deprived of knowledge, or assurance. What do you think Jenn regarding this? Is there a communication with the dead after they crossover, and if so, does it differ from the recently departed? Thank you


    1. Bysshe, I’m so sorry for your tragic loss. It sounds like you are already very sensitive, and dealing with such enormous trauma and grief can either shut you down psychically or rip you open like a raw wound. I don’t have proof myself that we can communicate with souls or entities, however, there is strong evidence that we are capable of receiving anomalous communications, whether that is our higher selves, guides, or loved ones. I would recommend that you first address the grief, five yourself some time to heal. Maybe even seek out help from a support group. When you are ready, maybe find a good medium through the Windbridge Institute or Forever Family Foundation. Although it sounds like you can communicate yourself, this situation may call for a neutral third party. I’m so sorry this happened to you. Take care of yourself, first and foremost. -Jenn


  25. My Dad passed away 20 years ago when I was 12, during a time when my parents had just gotten their divorce and he had remarried. Due to the circumstances, grief was complicated not only for me, but also for my mother. About 15 years later, I was just getting in touch with my Dad’s second wife and their daughter again, and consequently, my Mum was addressing her own unresolved issues with my Dad by going to therapy etc. During this time, two things happened to her: She had a very vivid dream of meeting my father again, who was smiling brightly, in his twenties, wearing a leather jacket just as he did when they were first dating. He had suffered from several brain tumours before he passed, but in that dream, he smiled at my Mum and said: “I’ve been to the doctor once more, it [the cancer] has all disappeared again.” Shortly after, I got a message from my father’s second wife, telling me that while cleaning up, she had just found the wedding ring from my father’s marriage to my mother with her name engraved in it and wanted to return it to me. I saw those events as clear messages from my father trying to tell my Mum that he was fine and that he had loved her a lot and maybe still did from his timeless dimension. And I also feel like this message could get through to her once she had worked through her own grief and resentment.


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