After Death Communications: How to Encourage Signs From Loved Ones In Spirit

 “An After-Death Experience (ADC) is a spiritual experience, which occurs when you are contacted directly and spontaneously by a deceased family member or friend, without the use of psychics, mediums, rituals, or devices of any kind.” -from

About a month ago, I went to see James Van Praagh demonstrate his mediumship at a large-audience show.  During the show, he took questions from audience members.  One question was from a woman who was doing cartwheels in the back to get his attention:

“Why hasn’t my grandmother contacted me?  She passed away over 15 years ago!”

James calmly went through some suggestions, but this women’s impatience cut him off at the pass. “I’ve already done all that. I’ve looked for signs, prayed, asked, pleaded.. I’ve even gone to mediums, and nothing.. she won’t speak to me!”

Exasperated, James simply told the energetic woman that she should take his meditation classes to learn how to calm her own energy first. The poor woman was left unsatisfied by his answer and I was left wondering.

The experience got me thinking about ADCs and the people I know who believe they’ve been convincingly contacted by loved ones on the other side.  I definitely was, my mother was as well, my step-father, my best friend..  So, if I know a lot of people who have had an after death communication, are they really common?  What happens if, like the woman at the show, we don’t get a communication? How can we improve our odds?

This is a huge subject and if you have been following me for a while, you know already that nothing I do is short and sweet.  This will necessarily be a long post, so here’s the topics I’m going to delve into just in case you want to skip ahead to a particular section:

  1. The 12 Types of After-Death Communications
  2. After-Death Communication Statistics
  3. The Skeptical Argument
  4. Why Don’t Some Spirits Communicate With Us?
  5. Reasons Why Some Spirit Communications Aren’t Received
  6. An Example of Spirit Communication Techniques from the Spirit’s Point of View
  7. Why Don’t Spirits Just Levitate a Pen and Write Us A Note?
  8. How to Open Yourself Up to Spirit Communication in Any Stage of Grief
  9. Induced After Death Communication (IADC) Therapy
  10. Should I Contact a Medium?
  11. Examples of Real Spirit Communications Received by Me, My Family and Friends
  12. Tell Us About Your After-Death Communications in the Comments!

The 12 Types of After Death Communications

The term ‘After Death Communication’ that we use to describe types of non-assisted communication from the deceased was coined by Bill and Judy Guggenheim in preparation for their book, Hello from Heaven: A New Field of Research – After Death Communication Confirms that Life and Love are Eternal.  Although they weren’t the first researchers in this field, their book brought ADCs into the public consciousness much the same way Raymond Moody’s book “Life after Life” did for Near-Death Experiences.  In it, they define twelve ways their survey participants were contacted by their dearly departed:

  1. Kinesthetic – Sensing a presence
  2. Auditory – Hearing a voice, either with your physical ears in or your head (mentally)
  3. Tactile – Feeling touched physically, like a hug, caress, kiss on the cheek
  4. Olfactory – Smelling a fragrance or odor connected to the deceased (perfume, cigar smell, etc)
  5. Visual – Seeing a full or partial appearance of the deceased; either an outline, transparent, just a part of the body, or full flesh-and-blood
  6. Visionary – A mental vision of the deceased with complete clarity while awake (either with eyes open or shut)
  7. Hypnogogic – Appearance of the deceased while falling asleep or just waking up (either physically, in the room, or mentally)
  8. Somnolent – An appearance of the deceased in a ultra-vivid and logical dream; ordered and atypical for most dreams.
  9. Out-of-Body – Meeting a deceased person while having an out-of-body experience.
  10. Technological – Receiving a phone call from the deceased, text-message, email or through a device, such as hearing their voice through radio static.
  11. Material – Physical phenomena that occurs such as lights turning on and off, items moving, music playing without being turned on.  Usually in a way that reminds you of the deceased.
  12. Symbolic – Seeing a symbol that reminds you of the deceased; a license plate, hearing a song, seeing their name or an animal (most commonly butterflies) that reminds you of them.

After Death Communication Statistics

After Death Communications are far more common than near-death experiences in the general population, even though the latter are arguably more well-known.  A study done by Jenny Streit-Horn, a doctoral student under Dr. Jan Holder, revealed that 30-35% of people can expect to have an after-death communication in their lifetimes.  Within the first year of bereavement, a person is 75% likely to experience an ADC, although a first ADCs can happen as long as several decades after the death occurred.

Grief and type of relationship also seem to influence the prevalence of ADCs.  People who lost spouses tended to have a greater number of ADCs than parental, sibling or friendship relationships.  People who are actively in the grieving process also reported more ADCs than people who described themselves as past the grieving process, though both groups reported high numbers of ADCs regardless.  Anecdotally, people in the first stages of grief or pathological grief tend not to have ADCs until their grief has lessened somewhat.  Aside from Crisis Apparitions (paranormal visions or visitations that notify loved ones of a person’s death), it would seem that intense emotions can ‘wall off’ a person from receiving paranormal visitations.

From the study, the following statements about After-Death Communications were found to be true:

  • Bereaved people more than non-bereaved have ADCs; about ¾ of people within one year of the death of a loved one.
  • Widows and widowers especially.
  • Women more than men
  • People of all ages, with older people perhaps slightly more likely, probably because the older a person is, the more likely the person has experienced others’ deaths.
  • People of all nationalities, with those from ADC-affirming cultures reporting more.
  • People of all ethnicities, with some perhaps slightly more than others – from highest to lowest among Americans: African-American, Mexican-American, Caucasian-American, and Japanese-American.
  • People of all education levels.
  • People of all incomes, with people with relatively lower incomes perhaps slightly more likely.
  • People of all religious affiliations and practices.
  • People no matter what their physical condition.
  • People no matter what their mental condition.
  • The great majority of ADC researchers have noted that ADCrs in their studies were mentally healthy. There is no evidence that ADC alone indicates psychological disorder or mental illness.

ADCs are under-reported.  In the study, 54% of the participants had never told another person prior to the survey.  Many participants admitted to fear of ridicule as the reason for their reluctance to share their experience.  It is probable that an even higher percentage of people likely have an ADC than is currently reported, possibly making this one of the most commonly experienced spiritual occurrence that is studied by paranormal and afterlife researchers.

The Skeptical Argument

When it comes to any type of paranormal activity involving personal experiences, skeptics can only usually point to one of four explanations.

  1. Deception – skeptics might suggest that a grieving person who has received a lot of attention right after a death might invent such stories to gain back that attention once everyone returns to their lives and the grieving become very lonely.  In this case, since the majority of people surveyed didn’t tell another person about their experience, deception might be difficult to use as an explanation for most ADCs, though in rare cases, it’s always possible.
  2. Hallucination – grief is an extreme psychological state.  Some scientists and psychologists believe that our brains will invent such hallucinations in response to grief, although there have been no scientific studies on this topic.  ADCs are also prevalent in people who aren’t actively grieving.
  3. Paradolia or Misidentification – Humans are great at pattern recognition.  Just like the ability to look at a cloud and see an elephant, humans can look at an event and draw personal conclusions from it that may not really fit or simply be coincidental.  In truth, ADCs are subjective. What constitutes a sign for you, may be considered a coincidence to another person.
  4. Drugs or Alcohol – Often times, a grieving person is offered a sedative in order to help them get through the first few days and the funeral.  In many cases, this is a likely to be a benzodiazepine such as Xanax or Valium. In other cases, a person may self-medicate with alcohol, opiates, marijuana and the like.  When drugs or alcohol are involved, a person’s perceptions are altered and they might be more likely to imagine or hallucinate an ADC.

Although the four reasons above might explain some ADCs, it’s hard to explain away all ADCs this way.  If 60 million Americans are likely to have an ADC in their lifetime, is it possible that all of them will be lying, spontaneously hallucinating or on drugs?  How can we then explain ADCs that occur well after the initial grief has dissipated?

Normal, well-adjusted healthy individuals are not prone to suddenly hallucinate, nor would most of these people have the incentive to lie, especially to an anonymous survey.  Although its possible that some people may misidentify or use drugs, the sheer number of ADCs reported makes the probability that all ADCs are false very low overall.

Note: The next section contains information I’ve gained from years of afterlife research.  These are conclusions that I have drawn – certainly, nothing about the spirit world is proven.  To do your own research, visit my Recommended Reading and Resources for Afterlife Research pages.

Why Don’t Some Spirits Communicate with Us?

Barring issues on our end (which I will get to in the next section), there are a variety of reasons why some spirits don’t or can’t communicate with us right away.

  1. Your loved one may need time to adjust. Some spirits don’t know they have died, or will need help understanding what has happened to them.  Others were so ill when they died, they need a period of convalescence in the spirit realm.  Spirits who pass away with severe psychological issues may be relegated to planes where communication isn’t possible yet.
  2. Spirits may realize that communication right now isn’t in your best interest.  Grief can be a valuable lesson in its own right.
  3. Some spirits will need to work with their teachers and guides who can assist them with communication.
  4. Time in the spirit world doesn’t exist, and outside of a human body we lose much of the anxiety we had on earth.  Our loved ones in spirit love us dearly, but know that you will be with them in what may seem like only a matter of days to them, even though it is a lifetime for us.

The scenarios above are rare. Most spirits do have a desire to communicate with the living and will try endlessly to let you know that they are okay.  Even as they attempt to communicate with you, there are things on our end that may prevent their message from getting across.

Reasons Why Some Spirit Communications Aren’t Received

  1. We might see or experience something meaningful, such as a dream or a symbol but we pass it off as a coincidence or ignore it.
  2. We are too deeply bereaved.  With terrible sadness and depression comes a wall of emotion that even the best and strongest of spirits cannot penetrate.  When our grief begins to lesson, the communication will begin to get through.
  3. The first communications happen to a relative or friend instead of you.  The first reaction is, “why did my loved one appear to X and not to me, the one who was closest to him/her?”  A loved one in spirit definitely wants you to know that he or she is still around, and so they appear to whomever is most receptive to get the message to you.
  4. We make demands or expect too much: we might say “If you are here, turn off that light” or “Make this song play in the car if you are listening”.  Spirits can do many things, but they don’t suddenly gain superpowers when they die.  They need to learn how to manipulate energy, and each spirit has a way they can communicate best – likely not the way you are demanding them to perform.  Allow the spirit to choose the communication and have faith that the message will be meaningful to you.
  5. We have unresolved anger or resentment toward the spirit.  Negative emotions are another type of wall, once that must be resolved before communications can be clearly felt.  Resolve your issues with the spirit in question. Whatever it was, remember that they were only human. If you speak out-loud, they will generally hear you so talking out your feelings can help.  Out of the body, spirits know immediately all the ways they have hurt others and always desire forgiveness.  Once you are in a space of love and forgiveness, you will get the message you are intended to receive.

Why Don’t Spirits Just Levitate a Pen and Write Us a Note?

I consider myself a logical person, and when initially trying to understand the phenomena of ADCs, I found myself really frustrated by how vague they can be at times.  Without a doubt, there are plenty of communications where a person sees their loved one standing in front of them looking quite alive.  In other cases, they get a phone call from the deceased. These are pretty straight-forward cases where there is little room to doubt that a communication occurred.  But most of us will have symbolic ADCs; we will hear a song on the radio that is meaningful, have a butterfly land on our arm, or smell a perfume.  While these are beautiful experiences, I wondered – why all the vague and dramatic symbolism?  Why can’t a spirit just leave us a note?  If levitating a pen is difficult, how about knocking on the wall and answering yes and no questions, or rearranging pennies to spell out their name, or smudging a mirror with “I’m Still Here!” while I’m in the shower?

Many years went by and I really studied spirit literature.  I learned that mastering energy in our dimension is extremely difficult and it requires the skill of an advanced spirit.  Unless our loved one is that advanced, it’s unlikely they have the skill or experience to do those kinds of definitive physical things that we expect.  Spirits of all stripes can manipulate energy.  Our physicists have already discovered that all of matter is energy, just denser than other kinds.  Thoughts and emotions are energy too, and because this type of energy is far less dense, spirits have an easier time manipulating it as a rule.

Consider how difficult it really is to make these symbolic ADCs happen:

In order for you to hear a meaningful song on the radio, they either have influence your thoughts to be in the right place at the right time and turn on the radio, or they have to influence the thoughts of the radio DJ to play that song at the exact time and place that you are listening.  It’s not as easy as it looks! Yet, it’s far easier than levitating a pen against Earth physics.

To have a butterfly land on your arm, a spirit has to influence the intention of that butterfly, and make sure you are in an area where a butterfly will be able to land on you.  That means cutting through all of the brain chatter in our heads to convince us to take a walk outside at the exact right time that a butterfly happens to be flying by, then convincing the butterfly to ignore its instincts and land on a human!

Smelling a perfume requires a spirit to use energy to match the signature of a perfume that you might recognize, or influence a person who is wearing that exact perfume to cross your path.  Again, not easy.

But, you might say, “What about hauntings?  Those spirits can slam doors and make lights go on and off. Are they just more experienced?”  Well, in a way, yes.  Those spirits are most likely tied to the earth for one reason or another.  Some people call these ‘Earthbound’ spirits.  They aren’t bound to the earth, really, they have just chosen not to cross dimensions.  When a spirit spends years, decades and centuries walking as a ghost on Earth, they do learn a trick or two – things that the recently deceased who do cross over have yet to learn.  Then again, earthbound spirits are usually extremely emotional and psychologically a little muddled.  These spirits have no problem scaring people to get attention.  Your loved one would never want to scare you with loud bangs and such, even if they could.

Case in point: I read an ADC once where a teenage girl woke up to see the full figure of her deceased father standing over her.  His body looked like it was made up of sparks of electricity.  Suffice it to say, she was startled by the wild unexpected vision and screamed.  Later, her father got a message through her to say, “I worked so hard on that energy body! I can’t believe it scared you!” Lesson learned.  Although the father wanted to do something spectacular to show his daughter he was still alive in the spirit world, it didn’t have the intended effect.  Most of the time, spirits know what we can handle and what we can’t.  They generally prefer not to scare us out of our wits!

It’s also important to understand how our psychology changes when we lose our bodies.  Spirits are emotionally rather than logically oriented so while they can reason just as well as we can, they prefer to have an energetic and emotional impact on you, rather than just appeasing your logical mind with ‘tricks’.

In the next section, I am going to use some examples from Dr. Newton’s work with Life Between Life regression to show from the spirit’s point of view how they attempt to reach us after their passing (and how difficult it can be sometimes!)

An Example of ADC Techniques from the Spirit’s Point of View
From Destiny of Souls, by Dr. Michael Newton

Dr. Michael Newton pioneered techniques for life-between-life regression, and in a hypnotic trance, his subjects can go to past lives and then to the activities they do as spirits in between lives.  Dr. Newton’s techniques are used by certified therapists all over the world trained in his techniques through The Newton Institute.  For over 40 years, his clients from all walks of life and from different parts of the US have described a very similar afterlife, convincing Dr. Newton and his colleges that not only is the afterlife real, but it is a logical and organized dimension not dissimilar from our own.  I highly recommend his books, Journey of Souls, Destiny of Souls, and Memories of the Afterlife.

In Destiny of Souls, Dr. Newton devotes a whole chapter to examples where spirits use children to communicate, pets, strangers, visions, objects and all sorts of other ways to get through to us.  Spirits use a variety of techniques that differ based on the spirit’s abilities and our ability to receive communication best. By learning how spirits communicate to us from their own perspective, it can help us be more receptive to receive and believe those communications. Here I’ve picked out two examples from that chapter to illustrate the process behind that communication.

Sylvia’s Dream

In this example, Dr. Newton has regressed his patient to recall a previous life where he/she as ‘Sylvia’ has just passed away. Sylvia, in spirit,  is trying to comfort her mother who is grieving.

S:=Sitter; Dr. N:=Dr. Newton

S: “I begin with more conventional thought communication while she is awake but I am getting nowhere.  She is so sad.  My mother’s grief at not being at my bedside is overpowering her.”

Dr. N: “What methods have you tried so far?”

S: “I project my thoughts with an orange-yellow light, like the flame of a candle, and place my light around her head, sending loving thoughts.  I’m not effective.  She doesn’t realize I am with her.  I am going for a dream.”

Dr. N: “All right, Sylvia, take me though this slowly.  Please start by telling me if you pick out one of your mother’s dreams or if you can create one of your own.”

S: “I don’t create dreams well yet.  It is much easier for me to take one of hers so I can enter the dream to effect a more natural contact and then participate. I want her to know it is clearly me in the dream.”


S: “The first couple dreams are unsuitable…Finally, she has a dream where she is walking alone in the fields around my house.  You should know she has no grief in this dream.  I am not dead yet.”

S: “…I enter the dream from the other end of the field by matching my energy patterns to my mother’s thoughts.  I project an image of myself as I was the last time she saw me.  I come slowly across the field to let her get used to my presence.  I wave and smile and then come to her.  We hug each other and now I send wave of rejuvenating energy into her sleeping body.”

Dr. N: “And what will this do for your mother?”

S: “This picture is raised to a higher level of consciousness for my mother.  I want to insure the dream will stay with her after she wakes up.”


S: “The influence of a vivid dream like this is very great.  When my mother wakes up, her mind has a vivid impression of this landscape with me and suspects I am with her.  In the time memory is so real she is sure of it.”


S: “…I [will] continue to send waves of energy into her over the next few days until she begins to accept my passing.  I want her to believe I am still part of her and always will be.”

Helen and her Husband’s Ring

In this regression, a man recalls the time after his death when he tries to comfort his grieving wife, Helen.

S:=Sitter; Dr. N:=Dr. Newton

Dr. N: “What do you do if your efforts right after death are not having the desired results anywhere on the body?”

S: “When I found that my wife, Helen, was not receiving me by a direct approach, I finally resorted to working with a household familiar.”

Dr. N: “You mean with an animal – a cat or dog?”

S: “I have used them before, but no.. not this time.  I decided to pick out some object of value to me that my wife would know was very personal.  I chose my ring.”

The ring he is referring to is a large ring with a raised turquoise stone in the center.  The man had a nervous habit of rubbing the stone and his wife often joked that he would one day wear it down completely.  Helen and her husband would often sit by the fire together and talk about their day, while her husband would continue to rub the stone on his ring out of habit.

S: “When I work with objects and people, I have to wait until the scene is very tranquil.  Three weeks after my death, Helen lit a fire and was looking into it with tears in her eyes.  I began by wrapping my energy within the fire itself, using the fire as a conduit of warmth and elasticity.

Dr. N: “Excuse my interruption, but what does ‘elasticity’ mean?”

S: “It took me centuries to learn this. Elastic energy is fluid.  To make my soul energy fluid requires intense concentration and practice because it must be thin and fleecy.  The fire serves as a catalyst in this maneuver.”

Dr. N: “Which is just the opposite from a strong, narrow beam of energy?”

S: “Exactly.  I can be very effective by rapidly shifting my energy from a fluid to a solid state and back again.  The shifting is subtle but it awakens the human mind.”

S: “Helen was connecting with the fire and thus with me.  For a moment the grief was less oppressive, and I moved straight into the top of her head.  She felt my presence… slightly. It was not enough.  Then I began shifting my energy as I told you, from hard to soft in fork fashion.

Dr. N: “What do you do when you ‘fork’ energy?”

S: “I split it.  While keeping a soft fluid energy on Helen’s head on maintain contact, I fork a hard beam at the box which holds my ring in a table drawer.  My intent is to open up a smooth pathway from her mind to the ring.  This is why I am using a hard steady beam, to direct her to the ring.”

S: “With my guidance, she slowly gets up without knowing why.  She moves, as if sleepwalking, to the table and hesitates.  Then she opens the drawer.  Since my ring is in the box I continue to shift back and forth from her mind to the lid of the box.  Helen opens it and takes out my ring, holding it in her left hand. […] Then I know I have her!”

Dr. N: “Because..?”

S: Because the ring still retains some of my energy.  Don’t you see?  She is feeling my energy on both ends of the fork.  This is a two-directional signal.  Very effective.

Dr. N: “Oh, I do see – then what do you do with Helen?”

S: “Now, I move into overdrive with a full-power bridge between myself standing on her right side and the ring on the left.  She turns in my direction and smiles.  Helen then kisses my ring and says, “Thanks, darling.  I know you are with me now.  I’ll try and be more brave.”

How to Enhance your Chances of Receiving an ADC at any Stage in the Grief Process:

The most important advice I can give someone who is waiting for a sign is this: talk to your loved one. Talk to them out-loud, as if they are in the room with you.  It may feel strange at first, but spirits tell us through mediums that they can hear you loud and clear when you speak to them.  Most importantly, this is the time when you can begin to resolve any outstanding guilt or anger that you may have over their death.  If you have already resolved your feelings, simply tell them how much you love them and miss them in your life.  Ask for a sign or communication, but give them the time and space to do it on their own terms.

Be alert to any of the 12 types of communications.  A communication may happen at any time.  Remember that not all ADCs are dramatic or obvious.  Believe it or not, most spirit communications don’t get received because we are just too stubborn, obtuse, distracted or logical to accept and be open to them.

Dreams are a major way that spirits will use to communicate.  In order to enhance your dream recall, tell yourself before bed that you will remember your dreams.  It sounds silly, but it works.  Avoid alcohol before bed, and don’t sleep with the TV or music on.  Clear your mind before bed and let any images form freely – this might be the time that you receive a hypnogogic vision or dream visitation.

Ask your friends and family if they have had any experiences that have reminded them of your loved one.  In the midst of heavy grief, it is quite common for a spirit to first contact a more distant relative or friend in order to get a message to you.  If that person is hesitant to upset you, that message may never be passed on.  Let others know that you welcome any experiences that they may have, may it be dreams, symbols or other signs.

Read about the experiences of others who have had an ADC at  This may open your eyes to the many ways your loved one can communicate, as well as lifting your spirits through the inspirational and beautiful experiences of others.

Like the exasperated woman at the show, there might be a case where despite everything you do, communication just isn’t happening.  There are a lot of variables when it comes to inter-dimensional communication and sometimes we just have to trust that there is a good reason.  Maybe your loved one is involved in their own healing on the other side, or perhaps they are very inexperienced spirits who just can’t manage cross-dimensional communication.  Trust that you are loved and that your loved one is always connected to you, even if you don’t get proof of that.  On the other hand, be patient.  My mother didn’t get her first ADC from her mother for 16 years!  When it finally did happen, it was powerful, timely and life-changing for her.

To learn more about ADCs and spirit communication, I would encourage you to read Hello from Heaven by Bill and Judy Guggenheim, My Life After Life: A Posthumous Memoir by Galen and Dr. Kenneth Stoller,  and Destiny of Souls by Dr. Michael Newton.  Please also visit the After-Death Communication Research Foundation at and

Induced After Death Communication (IADC) Therapy

If your grief is overwhelming and interfering with your life, or you have experienced a traumatic loss, you might consider a new type of clinical therapy called Induced After Death Communication.  Dr. Allan L. Botkin, the founder of the procedure, discovered that patients with severe psychological grief were greatly relieved of their pain through the application of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, which uses eye movements to help our brain process grief and sadness far faster than traditional therapies.  With many patients, an extra step discovered by Dr. Botkin allowed the patient to experience an actual visionary after-death communication with the spirit whose loss they were grieving.  To find out more, please see my in-depth post on the subject: Grief Counseling with a Spiritual Twist: Induced After Death Communication (IADC) Therapy

Should I Contact a Medium?

If you haven’t gotten an after death communication and it has been six months since the date your loved one has passed, you may consider arranging for the services of a medium.  Why wait six months?  Well, most mediums will require a waiting period for best results.  Its easier to connect after both you and the spirit have had time to adjust and heavy grief can make it very difficult to make a connection.

Finding a reputable medium is difficult.  Avoid anyone you’ve seen on TV – sadly, most of them are simply entertainers.  To find a good, honest and truly gifted medium, I only recommend the services of two organizations – both are non-profit, and both thoroughly test and certify their mediums.

The Forever Family Foundation –

The Windbridge Institute –

Examples of Real Spirit Communications Received by Me, My Family and Friends

ADC from a man who was ‘like a Grandfather’: A man who was like a grandfather to me appeared in a dream to say goodbye after he died.  He was “brought-in” to my dream through my great-grandfather who appeared first, smiled, then morphed into this gentleman.  No words were spoken, but there was a powerful feeling of gratitude and love as he looked into my eyes.  He had Parkinson’s before he died and so didn’t communicate well or easily in life, but in the dream I felt his deep appreciation that I played the piano for him and spoke to him kindly during his visits.

ADC from my Great-Grandfather: During the lowest, most difficult time in my life, I had a powerful and realistic dream of my great-grandfather.  He visited me in the dream to communicate that my life was headed in the wrong direction.  I agreed, but I was unsure what to do.  I asked him for his advice.  He just smiled and “said” (there were not words, exactly) that I already knew exactly what to do.  Look into my heart and follow my intuition.  When I awoke, I did indeed know exactly what to do.  I followed my own advice and changed the course of my life by making the difficult decision that I had previously been ignoring.

Other ADCs I’ve had:

ADC From my Grandmother: When my friend’s grandmother passed away I was attending her funeral thinking of my own grandmother.  Just then, the classical music being played in the funeral home was my grandmother’s signature piece that she played on the piano,  “Rhapsody in Blue.”  When I went outside a few minutes later, I was speaking to another friend’s mother when I realized she was wearing my grandmother’s perfume, “White Shoulders”.  I remarked about it, and my friend’s mother said that although she never typically wore that perfume, she decided to on that day on a whim.

ADC from my Grandfather (Pop-Pop): My grandfather, who I always called “Pop-Pop” passed away a little over two years ago.  About 6 months after he passed, I was thinking of him while driving home on the highway.  I mused that it would be nice if I could have a sign from him.  Just then, a car merged onto the highway right in front of me with the license plate that said “POP-POP”. PopPopStunned, I managed to get a picture of it! The picture is not the best – it was a rainy night, I was driving and shaky from excitement, but you can clearly see that the car right in front of me says, ‘POP-POP’. That was proof positive in my mind!

[Update June 2nd, 2016]

I just received four incredible new ADCs from my grandfather!  Because of his love of Disneyworld and the trips we’ve taken together in my childhood, I asked my grandfather to send me something in reference to his favorite ride at the park: “It’s a Small World After All” (you know, the one with the dancing dolls?).  I knew it was a tall order, but I was prepared to wait.  Well, it’s been three years but holy cow did he come through in a big way!  First, as the ice cream truck went by our house the song abruptly changed to ‘It’s a Small World After All”.  The next day, we received some random junk mail – a catalog that had the words ‘Its a small world after all” emblazoned on the front (I cut it out, it’s now on the fridge!).  Lastly, yesterday when I logged onto to check the news, there was an entire article on the history of the ride!  When I clicked on the video, the familiar strains of the song came bursting through my speakers and I knew it wasn’t coincedence.. my grandfather isn’t subtle.  Finally, I received a call from my mother at work.  The church next door was playing ‘Its a small world after all’ on the church bells.  The church bells!? Four random references to the very song I asked about in one week  and not a common song by any means – Amazing!!

My Mother’s ADC from her Mother, my Grandmother: My mother sadly lost her mother to cancer two weeks after I was born (you can read my post about my pre-birth visitation to my grandmother here).  My mother’s life took a difficult turn in the years following her mother’s death and yet she didn’t get any communication from her.  It wasn’t until I was 16 years old – 16 years after my grandmother’s death when my mother got a very powerful communication, and it happened at the lowest point of my mother’s life, when she was directionless, miserable and desperate. She sat in the car, crying and begging her mother for some kind of sign.

Not long after that, she had a crystal clear and realistic dream of her mother in that same car, sitting in the back seat.  My mother no longer remembers the content of what was said, but the image and symbolism was important.  My mother was driving, in charge of her life, but her mother was in the backseat reassuring her and giving her directions.  It was meant to say that even though my mother is in charge of her own destiny, that her mother is still very much a part of her life, guiding her ‘from the back seat’.

My Step-Father’s ADC from his Father: My step-father lost his father to a sudden heart-attack over 20 years ago.  He was describing his father to someone once and said that his father was one of those un-emotional types of men who never told his kids ‘I love you’.  Although my step-father knew he was loved, he recalls that he never heard those words actually said to him.  Not long after that conversation, my step-father had a ultra-real dream when his father appeared to him and said, “Son, I LOVE YOU!”.  I guess he had heard that conversation and wanted to make it clear that even if those words hadn’t been spoken in life, they were true nonetheless.

My Grandmother’s ADC from her husband, my Grandfather: A week or two after my grandfather died, my Grandmother who I call ‘Nanny’ received a message from my Grandfather, her husband, that was undeniable. My grandparents loved Florida – they had a condo on the gulf coast, and used to take my family to Disney World, which are some of my favorite memories of my childhood.  On the mantle in the room where my Grandfather died, was a music box of a carousel from Disney World with all of the Disney Characters on it.  The music box hadn’t been touched in years, but after my Grandfather died, and on two separate occasions the music box started playing “It’s a small world” when my Grandmother walked into the room.

My Friend’s ADC from her Father: My best friend tragically lost her father when she was just turning 25.  It was devastating for all of us. Though he had been sick for a long time, he always seemed to pull through. My friend knew on the morning that he passed away, she had some sort of premonition.  As we were getting coffee, she put her hand on my arm and stopped me.  Looking at me intensely, she vowed that if her father died she would go to Ireland to visit her father’s relatives. Around 7 hours later, her father passed away in the hospital.  That weekend, we drove to a local park together as she was working through her intense grief.  As we were driving up, we could hear the strains of Irish bagpipe music.  When we pulled up, we were stunned to see a man in full Irish regalia playing the bag pipe, something that is traditionally done at Irish funerals.  There was no particular reason for this man to be in the park that day – there was no party or funeral.  He was standing completely alone, in the park, in his Irish kilt playing bagpipe music.  We both knew this was a sign from her father.  Years later, she did keep her promise and went to Ireland.

Second ADC: My friend felt her father’s hand on her shoulder as she was driving to the hospital after he had passed.

[Update August 26, 2016]

My Mother’s ADC from a family friend: This is a brand new ADC that occurred a few weeks ago.  Last autumn, a friend of the family named Romit sadly passed away from a quick form of aggressive cancer.  My mother and step-father visited him the night before he passed away.  My mother reminisced about the fabulous pool parties that they had been invited too.  Romit pulled out all of the stops for these parties, with the best food and entertainment, and of course, the huge in-ground pool that my mother, a swimmer, enjoyed tremendously.  When she saw Romit before his passing, she expressed her appreciation and gratitude for the pool parties.  A few weeks back, she thought of Romit again and talked out loud to him about the regret she felt that she would never attend another of his pool parties.  She had said that ‘he promised her another pool party’, likely a reference to what they spoke about the night before his passing.

The very next day, my step-father walked into the kitchen to tell my mother that they had been invited to a pool party.  My step-father knew nothing of the conversation my mother had had with Romit’s spirit the day before or her joking admonition that she was ‘promised’ a pool party and wouldn’t get it.  The pool party invite was with a distant friend or relative, and who invited them was inconsequential.  The whole point was the fact that Romit heard my mother, and the invite to a pool party came the next day.  It was Romit’s way of saying, “I can’t give you another pool party, but I will make sure you get an invitation to a different one!”

My Grandmother’s ADC from her husband: My stepfather’s mother is 91 years old.  Her husband passed away more than 20 years ago.  One night she had a very realistic ‘dream’ that she was walking through a hospital.  Her husband appeared and said, “I miss you.  I want you to be with me.”  She believes that this was a legitimate communication from her husband.

What do you think?

These are the after-death communications that were experienced by just a small circle of my friends and family, and you can see that there were quite a lot of them.  You can perhaps suggest that we were delusional, hallucinating or you can even accuse me of lying, but that’s where a little bit of faith and intuition comes into play.  When communications happen, you have a choice: throw it away as a coincidence, to choose to see it as a loving message of a loved one in spirit who wants you to know that they were more than just their body – the essence of who they are lives on. Their personality, sense of humor and most importantly their emotional connection with their loved ones survive.

So, have you experienced an after-death communication?  Do you know someone else who has?  Tell us about it in the comments!

363 thoughts on “After Death Communications: How to Encourage Signs From Loved Ones In Spirit

  1. Dear Jenn,
    So glad I found your site. My wonderful,loving husband (Raymond) of 38 yrs. suddenly passed away from a heart attack on May 9, 2015. Shortly after our son started receiving contact through dreams from his grandfather, grandmother, great uncle, and aunts on my husbands side. After he told me, we started having things happen in my home such as sounds in basement as if husband was doing woodworking as he so often did. Tools clanging, or falling, lights going off and on in various rooms, seems as though these things happen at night after I have been to cemetery to cry or talk to Ray about how much I love him and miss him, I’m so lonely , he was my soulmate, he treated me like his Queen, and could tell what I was thinking without saying a word. We have been going through his workshop to have sale as I may be selling home and moving with our son. Do you think Ray is upset or telling me it’s okay, I feel his presence all the time and hate to leave this home.


    1. Dear Bonnie,

      I’m so sorry about your husband – what a terrible and crushing loss. It sounds like your son has some natural sensitivity to the spirit world, and your loved ones are passing messages through him. I would ask first if you are positive that it is your husband that you believe is in your house? I only ask because if your son is sensitive and you’ve been through such terrible grief, it may attract other spirits. Have you or your son ever – even once – felt threatened by this spirit? Have you had any disturbing dreams? It very well could be Ray just hanging around to let you know that he is okay, but I just have to put it out there just in case. The other possibility is that Ray has been staying in your home because he’s not ready to go into the spirit world – its possible that he fears he won’t be able to come back and visit. Most of the time, when our loved ones pass, they cross over, then visit from time to time, especially through dreams and symbols. If Ray is physically around, then its possible that he didn’t cross because he’s worried about you. Spirits don’t really worry so much about material things, they worry about people they love. I don’t think that Ray would be as concerned about the house as much as he might be concerned with your state of mind. As your soul mate, Ray wants the best for you – always – whether that means selling the house or not. If you truly believe it is Ray in your house, my advice to you would be to talk to him. Tell him that you miss him terribly, but that you give him permission to cross over with his guides. Once he is in the spirit world, he’ll get the counseling and adjustment he needs to come to terms with his death, and he’ll be able to come back anytime he wants to visit in more meaningful ways. If he doesn’t cross, he’s missing out on a lot and will be frustrated by his inability to truly help you – hence the clanging tools and lights. He can better help and guide you once he’s been to the spirit world for his ‘orientation’. Your relationship with Ray doesn’t have to end completely because of his passing, but it is in his best interest to get the support he needs. He may not go unless he feels that you are going to be okay, and you may need to reassure him that he can return as often as he wishes and you will always love him. That being said, if you suspect that this spirit is NOT Ray, then a different approach is necessary. I know this is long, so I’ll leave it at that. I know how difficult this is – Bonnie, I’ll be thinking of you, and I’m here if you have any questions. If you want, you can always email me directly as well. The email address is in my contact page.
      Good luck, and let me know how things go.


  2. My dad died in January 2016 and I was a daddy’s girl. My dad loved cars and when I would buy a new vehicle I always drove over and he would get in and take a drive. About three weeks ago I bought a fairly expensive new Foreign car and going home I started crying because I couldn’t take it to him to see. He would have been so proud. Before I got home the song “Daddy’s Hands” came on which I associated with him even before his death. This week, my visiting sister and I were having a heated discussion with my mother (who ha developed some psych problems) and around 1:30 a.m. I woke up to a low noise. I thought my sister had got up and was watching tv in the family room. I checked but no one was up and I kept searching. Finally found a radio in a spare bedroom that had not been touched in days playing low. I turned it off and went to bed. In checking the next day, the clock had a 5:30 a.m. setting from when I worked. I think all this is my dad visiting me.


  3. I have experienced several instances where I now feel it was a spiritual contact, and others that I’ve simply not realized might have been contact. Just over 22 years ago my father passed away (7/22/95) and just recently, our daughters mother in law passed away (7/1/2017). Perhaps not coincidentally, our daughter composed a poem about my dad, her grandfather, which she read as an 11 year old at his funeral. Her mother in law recently passed just weeks before my fathers death anniversary. Our daughter also wrote a poem for her funeral which she read. I believe that our daughter may have been the vehicle of communication between the two spirits of or deceased loved ones.
    My wife and I were recently in a northern Minnesota resort for a short period of time. While standing in an overlook where there was a beautiful dusk view of Lake Superior, a hawk, or other small avaian raptor suddenly landed on the post of the retaining fence. It paused for a moment, then flew off with its prey in its talons. I believe that this was a brief visit by one of the two deceased previously mentioned.
    While at the same resort, we ordered Swedish meatballs, something I’ve grown skeptical about ordering because none have approached those made by my grandmother. I ate hers for the first 30 years of my life, but after she passed, none have come close to her flavor. Not even those made with her recipe by my mom or sister. The Swedish meatballs served at the resort where we were, tasted exactly as I remember my grandmothers, perfect in every way including texture. It had been over 35 years since experiencing that taste and I believe I had a sense that she was in the kitchen doing the cooking or that the she was in the body of the server who I told my story to.
    Last summer a friend gave me a monarch butterfly caterpillar and some milkweed leaves for it to feed on. Within a couple of weeks, it had created its chrysalis and soon emerged as a beautiful butterfly. I immediately took it back to the friends yard where it had started its life journey. During the time that it’s wings we’re opening and firming up to fly, it crawled over my head, face and hair as if someone was stroking my skin and hair. I didn’t want to touch it while some who saw the photos cringed. It was wonderful and now I see this as a sign that someone who I have known, was visiting in spirit. After reading this article, I’m convinced there have been others, such as my father watching over me as I’ve worked on projects that I knew nothing about. He frequently indicated his faith in me doing things well and correctly. I’ve felt his presence while trying some new construction or had the desire to do what I’m doing in nothing short of correctly and with quality. I’m sure there have been other ice often felt a sensitivity to these occasions and find this article totally absorbing. Thank you


  4. Hi Jenn, my name is Lisa me and my Dad Dad lost 4 people last year one of them was my husband, it was a depressing year for us I lost my husband to Congestive Heart Failure he also had diabetes too was almost blind, he passed away on June 12th 2016 on my in-laws 50th Wedding Anniversary, they look as John got his wings they look at it in a positive way which is good, anyway I miss him so much that it has been a little over a year on his first Anniversary his Mom bought balloons and we let them go at his grave was very nice to do that for John, I want to have a sign from him when I moved in with my Dad last year there have been strange things going on here the first 2 weeks I was at my Dad’s I think he was trying to contact me I know I felt someone touch my shoulder it could of been John, we were married 21 years and were very close did everything together except when I was working, anyway back to my Dad’s losses he lost 2 brothers and a sister last year too like I said it was a depressing year my Dad is the oldest of 5 siblings one of his brothers passed away in 1984 he was murdered terrible thing to happen to his brother, anyway me and my Dad have been talking a lot about the Afterlife my Dad will be 94 in September and I will be 52 on his Birthday, anyway, I thought you give your insight, I like your blog. Sometimes I find it hard to go on with my life without my husband I know he would want to live on and enjoy life again but it is hard when your Spouse passes away but I know he is in a better place but I miss him a lot so does my Mother-in-law and my Son and my Father-in-law, how are someways I can contact my husband? Thank you so much for reading this and have a good rest of your week and weekend. Sincerely, Lisa C


    1. Dear Lisa,
      I’m sorry for the late reply. What terrible losses you’ve suffered, I’m so sorry for all the pain and grief you must be experiencing. Its perfectly understandable to feel as though life will never be normal again without your husband, but there are things you can do to stay connected with him, even though he is in the spirit world. What seems to work the best is talking. Talk to your husband as if he were still here in the physical. Tell him how much you miss him, forgive him if you need to, and ask for a sign. Most people do get something within the first year, though it can be very hard to wait that long. You can try IADC or mediumship. I just posted about IADC if you are interested in that route – it is a combination of grief therapy and a type of visionary experience where loved ones come through in an ADC experience. It can be extremely powerful for some people though it is not inexpensive. You can also seek out a reputable medium through either The Forever Family Foundation or The Windbridge Institute, two places that test and certify their mediums. Most mediums now can do readings over the phone or through Skype and reportedly, the readings are just as good as in person so distance is not a factor. I would also recommend reading some books or website that can comfort you. Hello from Heaven is all about ADCs, but even reading NDE reports ( can be of great comfort.
      Wishing you well,


  5. I was full of guilt,I kicked my husband out of the house he shared with me & our children,due to his drinking.He went to live with a family friend. It was Christmas Eve,they were drinking a lot obviously because they past out & didn’t smell the smoke from the fire that broke out at approximately 3am Christmas morning.Theh both died..I had my kids blaming me & I felt guilty.All I could keep saying to him hysterically was “I never meant to hurt you”(I hoped that booting him would be a wake up call ) 3 mths later to the day 3-25-98 I felt his love & heard him say (in my head) ” No Kim,I never meant to hurt you” I felt the layers of guilt shed off of me. Since then My kuds & I have had many experiences.things disappear & reappear mths later.I’ve also felt him lead a friend of mine that past away to me,I felt them both comforting me over her death. The next day I still felt her,I could her her to let her son know that it was ok to miss her,but he had to release his guilt( over p ulling the plug),& negativity b/c it was blocking the signs she was trying to show him.My dead husband’s Spirit has open6a door for me & change my life completely. I know we do Go on.That the emotion of love is strong enough to penetrate the Spirit World into the physical world


    1. Dear Kim,
      What a horrible tragedy, I’m so sorry. You know now that you certainly didn’t cause his death, and I’m grateful that he returned to let you know that his decisions were his own. Your love for your husband and your friend has indeed created a strong connection through the veil. There is nothing stronger than love, and it is truly a binding force even through death. You will see them again, and you will know that you played an extremely important part in the lives of them both.
      All the best,


  6. yes approximately 16 months after my fathers death a yellowhammer bird flew into my garden and stayed outside my backdoor for 2 days , at first i never thought anything of it , my dad , in life loved small birds and we never had this type of bird in our garden , i believe now it was him trying to tell me he was safe and happy in his new life , ive had other communication from him as well since his passing in 1994 , 3 different numbers appearing in my mind , and that very night those same numbers came up on the national lottery , direction on where to find my mothers national insurance card that I’d never seen before in my life , when mum has only been deceased the previous week ! Some people may think im totally fruit loop but i now look upon these occasions as communication from my father to help me overcome my grief at losing my mother .


    1. Dear Samantha,
      I believe you. And ADCs are extremely prevalent so I would guess that more people that we realize have had signs from loved ones in spirit as well. It sounds like you have some loving spirits in your life looking out for you!


  7. Hi my dad passed away on New Year’s Eve night . He lived 100 km away from us in small town , so we went to hospital to see him than talk wth nurse then had to get car and he died while I was on my way back to hospital thankfully his best friends were there when he took his last breath whom told us when we sister and I arrived . I have been sad ever since Bc I didn’t get to say goodby to him . I have been talking to him as I’m very spiritual and he has appeared in my dreams 3 months after his passing and 7 months . But have been sad that i didn’t say a proper goodby and I would ask him to forgive me to let me know he was ok well one day 7 months after his passing my daughter found a butterfly wth a broken wing so we got holes put it in container than I phoned butterfly museum they said not much u can do set it free in wild and let a wild animal have food . Well having a daughter who would have and myself as well no part in that . I decided we would give it a comfy home wth sticks for it to perch on flowers from my garden soft green leaves and a orange for it to drink we made him ( which i truly believe was my dad ) as comfortable as possible I would put it on my arm it would crawl up my arm sleeve on my daughter ect well that very same night that I dreamed of my dad in the hospital bed same the butter fly died that same day as when I woke up it had passed. So I was able to say goodby he my dad offered that opportunity place he was when he died I was wth him this time he was dying but I was saying goidbyb


    1. Wanted to add that I got a box for the llbutterfly to have more room and that same night it passed I dreamed of my dad whom was in the hospital bed with me right beside him saying my goodbyes , so I get it now that he is totally okay and doing well .


      1. Dear Diana,
        Wow, what an incredible symbolic ADC from your father through the butterfly. Knowing you badly you felt about not getting to say goodbye, the butterfly was a message of healing for you all leading up to the dream where you could finally say goodbye. Spirits have really wonderful ways of reminding us that love is all that matters in this world – it is everlasting, eternal and will provide a bond between you for the rest of your life. The butterfly – an ancient symbol of life, death, and rebirth – provided the perfect way for your father to give you the healing you needed, and the chance to reconnect one last time in this earthly life.
        Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful story.


  8. my mother passed away on the 22nd of july 2017 at 11.53am at the hospital, she had pneumonia and respiratory failure, i had spent 12 days beside her bedside before she passed . i was at home one morning and my father who had passed in November 1994 comminated with me on where to find her national insurance card , i was drawn to a draw by our bay window and surely there it was , i thought ” nah , this isnt real, im dreaming! ” then on another day i was discussing with my brother, the replacement of some taps in the house as they were constantly dripping , again my father began telling me how to replace a tap! ive had other things happen too , 3 numbers that he placed in my minds eye that just happened to be picked on the first night of the lottery , im no longer sceptical about messages from loved ones after their death i am now a believer that they do try to communicate, i will be writing them down so i can look upon them with love and know that my father is still with me . As of yet ive had no messages from my mother , im thinking maybe its abit early as she only passed last month , so i will give her the time and space she needs to adjust to the spirit world , hopefully i will hear from her one day .


    1. Dear Samantha,
      My condolences on the loss of your mother, but it sounds like your father has her transition well in hand and is guiding you all through it – what a blessing. How amazing thought that you heard your father’s voice in your head! It is a significantly rarer form of ADC, but I’ve heard of it before. It’s possible you may have some mediumship ability. Your thinking on your mother is right on. A month may be too soon for many spirits as they are just getting acclimated and will need some time before they can return and communicate. It all depends on the spirit, but I usually suggest people to give it at least three months before expecting signs. Usually, people will either get a sign right away (like on the day the person passed), a sort of goodbye message, or it takes some time. It can be excruciatingly hard to wait, though. Please come back and let me know if your mother does send a message in the near future. Until then, know that your father is taking care of your mother, and watching out for you too, until you see them again.
      Take care,


  9. In May, I lost my cat of almost 18 years who I was extremely close to. People called us “twin flames.” She had a most vibrant, beautiful spirit (including a strangely appealing combination of charm and viciousness) and was a fully engaged member of our family. Losing her has left a big hole in our lives, especially mine as we were extremely close. I had been surprised that I had not seen a vision of her or seen her in a vivid dream (as I did when my father died), and I have been feeling quite odd and melancholy about it. The day before she died, a small bird appeared on our balcony (we never get birds on our balcony) and a few weeks later two small birds appeared, both looking quite like the one that appeared the day before she died. It was also very strange because the birds were mating. I have wavered between thinking these were just coincidences or that my beautiful cat’s spirit was now in one of these birds. It’s funny, because she was a house cat and was always fascinated when watching birds outside. But since reading your post, I am more certain it was her and I also do not feel as badly about not getting a visitation. My grief has indeed been so profound (and could be a blockage to an ADC, as you explain), especially because I’d seen her at very difficult moments in her last few days (including seizures) and that her eyes clouded over while she was in my arms the morning she died. I have felt guilty and remorseful, thinking that I could have done more to ease her transition, I’ve been reassured me that I did my best. I was thinking the person was just being kind as they know me, but again, your article has given me more perspective. I thank you very much for the sense of peace you have given me. I know I will have more moments of deep grief in future, but they will be of shorter duration and less profound. Bless you.


    1. Dear Kaye,
      I am so sorry for the loss of your dear animal companion. As a cat lover myself, I have too experienced the profound loss associated with losing a cat. I had a similar scenario happen where there was a lot of guilt involved and it took me years before I could even talk about it, the grief was so profound. It always made me so upset if someone said, ‘It’s just a cat!”. They simply do not understand the kind of bond humans can have with animals, which psychologists have recognized to be extremely deep and long-lasting. What really helped me was finding out from several different and unrelated spiritual sources that animals will leave their body pretty quickly when they are in pain. They don’t have the spiritual need to suffer through physical pain, so they simply don’t. Their soul leaves the body, and the conscious part of them doesn’t feel what the body feels. When my cat Dexter was at the end, I could tell that he wasn’t there.. I truly believe that he had already moved on from the body and it helps me feel less worried about the pain he was in. It sounds like you had a similar experience with your dear cat.

      Later, when the grief and guilt was overwhelming, I spent some time meditating and asking for forgiveness. Even though I’m sure my cat didn’t blame me, I felt I needed to express my sorrow and guilt. There was a moment where I sobbed and felt a surge of emotion, then afterwards.. it was like the air cleared. I felt like Dexter sent me a sense of calm and peace and the forgiveness that I felt I needed. Since that day, I have been able to talk about him a little, though I still get choked up, as I’m doing now. Now, to get back to your comment, pets are great teachers, and many are quite advanced souls that come into our lives to teach us many great lessons. Often, you will get ADCs from animal companions that have passed on, and frequently – with cats – they are dreams or symbolic things – like you birds you mentioned. You may also see a shadow in the corner of your eye that looks like a cat slipping through the shadows, or even feel a cat jumping on your bed in the middle of the night. Your beloved cat will hopefully continue to send you signs, but if you have moments where you feel that grief like I did, don’t hesitate to tell your cat how you feel. You may just get that profound feeling of reassurance that I did and all of the healing that accompanied it. I’ll leave you this final note: There are many NDE stories that include beloved pets meeting a person when they cross over, and Dr. Michael Newton who does Life-Between-Life therapy has heard from his clients that pets are always available to the humans who loved them in the afterlife. I know I fully expect my kitties to welcome me into the spirit world, and I expect your kitty to be there for you, welcoming you and thanking you for the wonderful, loving life they got to experience with you on this earth.

      Wishing you peace and healing,


  10. Two weeks ago I had the most vivid dream of my boyfriend/friend who had passed unexpectedly in February of this year . In my dream it was just him and myself , he told me he had come to lift me and he placed his hand on my chest . My chest lit up where is hand was . I looked at him and I told me I missed him he replied he missed me too . I then said I love you and asked him if he loved me too . I couldn’t quite make out his reply but I believe it to be he loved me too . He told me he had to leave . When I woke up I felt so relieved I knew it was really him . The next day I had gotten my cigarette pack out of my purse and placed it on the bed I did not take any cigarettes out of the pack . I was trying to find my lighter in my purse I found the lighter and went to grab a cigarette from the pack but one was already taken out . Again I did not take any out of the pack . Later that day I was in my bathroom and had checked my cats water bowl . I looked away for a second and looked back and the bowl had moved . 3 days later I had another visiting dream but this time it was my father who came to tell me that a friend of mine who was having a endoscope that day ” was going to be okay ” when she returned from the procedure her husband told me tell your dad I said thank you . These dreams were not like any other dreams I’ve had . I know in my heart that it was my boyfriend and my father visiting me to give me messages . I’ve had other visits and communication from my boyfriend but this was the first dream .


    1. Hi Gwen,
      What beautiful dreams – thank you for sharing them with us. It sounds exactly like an ADC dream. It seems like the dream was followed by some signs to ensure that you got the message – the water bowl moving and the cigarette taken out. How amazing that your dad came to reassure your friend that she would be okay – I’ll bet that was so comforting to hear, knowing that your dad is looking out for you and your friends and loved ones! Thank you so much for writing, Gwen. I’m sure your comment will comfort others who are awaiting signs from their loved ones as well.


      1. Dear Jenn,
        Thank you so much for replying . It has been very difficult for me since the passing of my boyfriend . I miss him terribly . I had forgot to mention in my previous post that the night of his passing I saw a shadow of a man in my room . Strangely I was not frightened . I had not none he had passed at that time . I had other things that have happened I believe were signs from him . A gust of wind that went only in front of me flipped over a paper then stopped . Songs that have come on the radio . I keep a journal that I write to him in . I like to go back and read what I write later on and one day I was reading one of my entries and there was a word I did not write it was an odd word so I looked it up . It is a town in Italy and also a town in Illinois . He is French and I was born in Illinois . I was standing in my bathroom and I felt someone touch my bottom . Two weeks ago there was a feather in my walk way . Not a day goes by that I don’t think of him . But I am convinced it is him . He said him and I had a amazing connection the last night I saw him I believe he was right even though we are not together physically him and I are still connected . Thank you so much .


  11. The love of my life past over about 3.5 yeas ago 11/11/2013. He was in my room that nite I felt an intense energy and he clearly will h his voice said I love you . Then for about a year he often talked to me when I was awake and showed me his face . I haven’t experienced this lately and it saddens me but I’m hoping by I do I miss him more every day


    1. Dear Ann Marie,
      I’m so sorry for your loss. I know for some people 3.5 years would seem like a long time, but when you lose the love of your life, the pain never really goes away. Your descriptions of your experiences say to me that you are very connected. To hear a voice – an audio ADC, is extremely powerful as are visual ADCs. Don’t worry that he hasn’t been around as much, ADCs sometimes are more common early on then they might taper off as you both get involved in your lives. For your love, he also has a full and rich life on the other side. He should come by from time to time to let you know he’s around, and he’s always ‘connected’ to your energy so he can be with you during times of great joy or times of pain and trial. Look for signs on special days – birthdays, holidays and family gatherings. Those are times that he is most likely going to be visiting the earth plane and hanging out with the people he loves.
      Take care,


  12. I took it very hard years ago when my great grandma Nellie passed away. There had been a strong bond between us since I was very young and I had never before known the grief of losing someone close like that. Someone who loved me me just as I was. It hit me all the sudden at the funeral she was gone forever and I began to weep uncontrollable. That lasted several days. I had never cried so hard or so long. When it finally started to eas up I felt lost, even in my home. Like everything was less real. My husband had given up on talking to me. I wandered out and sat in a patch of sun hitting the stairs leading down from the 2nd story apartment and something caught my eye. A scraggly bush a few feet away was kind of shaking but there wasn’t any wind to stir it. Half scared, half curious I continued to train my gaze until I saw some kind of creature stirring on the ground underneath. And then it flew out, a fat robin… the one kind of bird my great grandma Nellie used to mention and finally point out to me in her yard. That helped me so much. Like a message from her that she would never be that far away.


    1. Hi there lpt,

      Animals are one of the most common symbolic ADCs, especially robins, cardinals and butterflies. Sounds like your Grandma Nellie knew that you would associate her presence with a robin like the ones she pointed out form her own yard and sent you a gentle message saying, ‘I’m here – I’m okay'” when you needed it most. I’m so glad you were comforted by it. Thanks for sharing!


  13. My little brother passed away May 13, 2017. He was only 21. On my birthday, July 14, all I kept saying to my husband was I’d give anything for a happy birthday from (brother) I ended up having to make a special trip to Walmart & his favorite song (a country song I haven’t heard in years) was being played on the radio & was dedicated to some guys sister. I got my happy birthday. & my 3 year old daughter gives me messages from Uncle Dumbo all the time. ❤️


  14. My father passed away on Aug 24 of this year.I really miss him and love him the most.I always go for walks and talk to him loud because I believe that he can hear me.I want share my experiences which I think are ADCs but please let me know that these are actual ADCs or not?
    1. His birth year is 1953.Now a days I repeatedly seeing 53 number license plates,phone numbers,email ids, stickers,bills,on TV.Even if sometimes I wish that if he is hearing me then number 53 should pop up and it does.
    2.One day I was worshipping God and in one of the mantras ,his name appeared and at that time I was looking at him and chanting that mantra.I never read that mantra before so I did not knew that his name comes in one of the sentences.
    3.He used to love wines and ice creams.So one day I asked him that if he is listening to me then I should get signs in form of wine and ice cream.And after that I got so many signs unexpected signs everywhere related to the same.
    4.A few days ago,I was crying and remembering him and then in order to search something ,I opened Google and in one of the search results,I saw a word “Papa”(we used to call him papa) and below that ,a number 53 was written.
    5.Also next day I was secretly hoping that his name should appear somewhere and I was watching a serial on my laptop and his name did appear there.
    6.One night ,in my dream,he came through.So in my dream,I got a phone call and on the other was him..he said “I am trying to talk to you..why are you not talking to me”.it was so vivid that I still remember it..I had a very strong and special bond with him.I just want to have an assurance whether all there are actual ADCs from him or not?
    7.One day I was walking and for a second I smelled balm or spray(which he used to apply on his arms to relieve the pain).
    8.Whenever I talk to him,I get a sensation in my left arm(he had pain in his left arm as he had Prakinsons)
    9.Sometimes I also feel that he talks to me through my husband like,I talk to him in my mind and then my husband suddenly says something which is so related to what I am talking to my father in my mind..
    Plaese reply..


    1. Absolutely! You have gotten a lot of ADCs.. consider how unusual all of those signs would be if they were just random. I often get signs in the form of numbers as well, and there is no doubt that 53 is a method of communication between you and your father along with all of the other wonderful signs that you have gotten. Especially interesting is the fact that he ‘speaks’ through your husband! That is more rare, but definitely not unheard of. Thank you for sharing all of the terrific ways that your dad has kept in touch with you since his passing – it’s clear that you have a special bond.


      1. Hi.again I saw my deceased father in my dreams.In my dream,I came back from somewhere and my father was watching TV at somebody else’s home and I am there.Nobody was there in that home.In my dreams,It was his friend’s home.I asked him that where is mummy?He said that mummy got bored so she went to your sister’s place and then I laughed and said “got bored” and he also laughed and said “YES she got bored”.Then I asked him what are you going to eat?He said he will eat something so I asked him to eat healthy food.He said “OK”.Then I left to talk to his friend’s son ans in my dreams he was at his place.I asked his friend’s son that please take care of my dad as he is at your place and nobody is there and my dad is not well.He said “OK” that he will go home and take care of him.I could not take care of him because I had to go to my sister’s place as well.Then when I was coming back after talking to his friend’s son,I saw my father ,he was coming with food in one hand and in another hand,two small pouches of somewhat like “sodawater”.I asked him “What is that?” He did not said anything and gave those two pouches to me and went off .At that time,he did not said anything.

        My father had Parkinsons and was not able to talk at all in the end but in that dream,he was talking fine and I used to take care of what he used to eat as well.


      2. And one more dream.I want share with you.This monday morning again around 5 am I got a dream that I have a child ,a boy who is around 2 years old and he has the same characteristics as my father and he is telling things to my family members who only my father knew when he was alive.Everybody was shocked.Then I woke up happily and was going through facebook news feed and left the facebook opened near my pillow and all of a sudden I again turned and saw the news feed which was visible on the screen.It was “Papa is coming back.reminds of childhood”. Please not that I am trying to get pregnant.
        What can this dream mean?


  15. Still no signs of communication from Steve and I’m experiencing another huge wave of grief. I wish I could have been allowed to keep his body in the chapel of rest as I was still able to sit with him and talk to him but now he’s been cremated it’s so final as his body isn’t even here anymore and he’s totally gone. The pain and emptiness is unbearable and completely overwhelming. What can I do to talk to him again. I loved him so deeply with all my heart and soul. Please help, thanks Jenn,
    Anna Pearson xxxxxxx


    1. Anna, I think maybe a dedicated grief counselor could be great help for you and to get you on the path to healing. Its very common not to get a communication if the grief is still so overwhelming. Once you begin to feel a little better, I might suggest finding a reputable medium. I wish the IADC would have worked out, but there doesn’t seem to be that many in the UK. I know this is impossibly hard, but keep putting one foot in front of the other, and speak to a professional – I know Steve wouldn’t want his death to keep you from living your life and I know your pain is terrible, Anna. Can your doctor recommend someone who specializes in grief counseling?
      Thinking of you,


    2. Dear Anna
      I felt I had to say to you, , I know exactly how you feel, I lost my dear husband after 52 years of marriage June 2017.
      I feel overwhelming grief on many days, no-one can ever realise just how bad it is unless they have been through the loss of their loving partner
      I have had signs I must admit, I have never seen him, but he would not let me see him, he knows it would frighten me, what I am having is white feathers, I find them often, espiecally when I am at my lowest. I also feel a gentle hardly there touch on my hair, this happens often.
      My advice to you is to see a reputable medium as suggested by Jenn, I did and found it so comforting.
      My husband told me I must live my life and not feel guilty, which is so hard for me, but his words through the medium help a little.
      I have tried to busy myself as much as possible, I have even taken up the Ukulele, I try hard but I know my life will never be the same again, but for all of our sakes, we must go on, one day, when your time comes, you will see him again, I am sure of that, until that time please along with me, try and make yourself as busy as possible, and I am so sorry to say this, but perhaps if you can try not to concentrate on receiving messages just yet, maybe when you are a little more relaxed it will happen I am sure, but defiantly see or contact a medium, mine was by telephone.
      I don’t know you, but rest assured I know how you feel
      Please take care of yourself, things will happen for you one day
      My heartfelt wishes


  16. My Sister-in-law passed at the beginning of September from very aggressive cancer. She’s 20 years older than my husband and was like a mother to him, as his mother was not very motherly. We had very little time from her diagnosis to accept her fate and she passed much sooner than expected. I’ve had two dreams in which I have spoken to her. In the first dream I was driving alone and it was an auditory conversation. At first I was thinking it was a regular conversation and not aware of the fact I was dreaming. She asked me how my husband and our kids were doing (she was like a grandmother to them) and I told her fine, but then I consciously realized that I was dreaming and that she had passed and may be contacting me. I felt like I had to be careful not to acknowledge that. So I asked her how she was doing and where she was. She said she was in her own “universe.” I immediately began crying and telling her how much we loved and missed her, and then she was gone.

    My SIL had truly married her soul mate and he has been devastated without her. His birthday is at the end of September, with hers being the next day. I had the dream a couple days prior to his birthday. When we met for dinner to “celebrate” his birthday, I found out that her 4yr old granddaughter (my great niece) had a dream about her also. She had told her mother that she saw Nana and she asked her why she had to go be in the clouds. As hard as we tried to understand her tell us what the answer was, she didn’t seem to be forming actual words. We didn’t want to overwhelm her with questions, so we let it go. Her granddaughter was the world to her.

    The second dream was this morning. I dreamt that I was talking on the phone to my brother in law about something and I could hear a female’s voice talking over us. I asked if it was her, and he said yes she’s here. I then asked to speak with her. This time I was more aware and seemed in control of my emotions. I seemed to know that she had passed, so I asked her how she was doing. She said “oh you know just aches and pains.” I told her we all really missed her and she said she missed us too. She said she had to go though because she needed to be with her husband right then because it was really hard on her to be away from him. In the dream, I could hear my husband snoring next to me and I don’t know if it was in the dream that I reached over and excitingly said, “I just got to talk to your sister again!” but within moments, I woke up to go to the bathroom. When I came back I woke him up and told him.

    We’ve had other things occur too…The trash can lid swinging without anyone touching it, two kittens showing up that we rescued (stray cats would show up on her doorstep constantly-she was a kitty whisperer!), She was a Dallas Cowboys fan, and we’re 49er fans. We always had a “friendly” back in forth about who was better. When we left her memorial service, we stopped at a restaurant to celebrate my son’s birthday and they had those quarter machines with NFL stickers. She’d always tease that she was going to buy my kids Cowboys gear for gifts. I told the kids that I bet if I bought one, their Auntie would make sure it was a Cowboys one. Sure enough, out of 32 teams, the first sticker bought from the machine was a Cowboys Star!

    Thanks for letting me share. I do have one question though. Do you know maybe why she would say she has aches and pains? At the start of the conversation I could hear her voice clear as day. As it went on she started to sound sick like she did towards the end.

    Also, My grandmother passed away in 2015. I miss her so and wish so badly that she would reach out to me. Her passing however was not unexpected, everything was said that needed to be said, and she was “ready to go home” as she would say. I haven’t been able to “talk” to her like my SIL but I have had a couple subtle signs. This is why I believe these are real, because if it was my subconscious doing it to make me feel better, why wouldn’t it have conjured up a conversation for me to have with my grandmother? Ironically (maybe?) my SIL’s service was held on my grandmother’s birthday, which is also my son’s birthday.

    My grandmother sewed and my mother, daughter and I have started teaching ourselves now that she’s gone. Last Spring, we took a class at our local Joann’s and while I was cutting some fabric, thinking about her and wondering why we didn’t do these kinds of things with her when she was a live, I heard a voice over my left shoulder ask me what I was making. I turned around and a woman about my Grandmothers age, with similar hair and clothes and everything was admiring our work. She was even wearing an outfit with poinsettias on it that my Grandmother would have worn around Christmas time (our most favorite time with her)! And it was way after Christmas. It wasn’t her, as the face was different, but everything about her was almost spot on; her style purse, shoes, hair, etc. She complemented us on our work and walked away. I made eye contact with my mom and we both lost it. She was thinking the same thing and noticed it as well. I literally had to stop what I was doing, because I just knew that was her. When we both left in our separate cars after the class, the radio was playing songs that make us think of her (they were different songs)-so not the same channel on the radio.


    1. Hi Amber,

      What incredible experiences you have described – it sounds like you are very receptive to the spiritual energy of your sister-in-law which is why she is coming through to you as often as she has. This is not uncommon in families – many people feel slighted if the person they are waiting to hear from contacts a different family member first or more often, but the reason I’ve read is that it is often because the deceased is just more able to get through and will rely on the family member to give the messages to the rest of the family. Children younger than about 7 or 8 are also extremely receptive to spiritual energy, so it is not surprising that ‘nana’ came through to her granddaughter as well. To answer your question regarding your phone conversation, and this is, of course, based on my research, it sounds like your sister-in-law hasn’t completely processed her own death yet. I think you were able to sense this about her with your hesitation to mention her death. This is also evidence in her answer to you that she is ‘in her own universe’. Its possible that the shock of her death and the trauma of leaving required that she be sequestered for a little while, likely she is in a place in the afterlife that looks very familiar, like a place on earth she was comfortable. She may even still feel those ‘aches and pains’ because her orientation is still very physical as she begins to accept her passing. Guides work with people on this, and will slowly begin to teach her that her body in the afterlife is not necessarily physical in the same way and that she can let go of her earthly ‘aches and pains’. Some people get to the afterlife and they adjust very quickly, and some do not. We all go at our own pace. She is not alone, but probably has friends from her life as well as guides that are helping her adjust. Based on the kinds of signs you’ve seen and experienced, you SIL is still very bonded with earth – probably visiting often, especially if she doesn’t want to be away from her husband. If her husband is really struggling, he may also be calling her back to earth often. Over time, this will lessen as the family processes their grief and your SIL begins to accept her passing. As she gets more comfortable, she may even appear to you as younger. That would be a sign that she is settling in, but it doesn’t mean that she won’t visit anymore – just that her visits will be deliberate instead of out of an insecurity about her passing. I hope that helps in maybe understanding the situation a little better. Please do let me know if you hear from her again!


  17. My boyfriend’s daughter- M passed in March of this year and then he passed in September. I was beside myself with grief. I am trying my best to cope. I have realized that M sent me a message a few months before her dad’s passing. I just did not know what the message meant. After meditating & thinking about her passing, I saw a vision of her yelling at me, but I could not hear the words. Months after, my boyfriend had a stroke and I was not aware of it. That night, the computer he bought for me stopped working. Now I realize that M was trying to communicate with me. A month passed before he transitioned. I have had several dreams and visions since, even through my extreme grief. He showed my some valuable information about his condition and behaviour of his family members through a dream. I have had several tactile episodes where I can feel him hugging me and kissing my cheek. I also swore I saw him in line at the cashier’s at a store we never visited together before. I was beside myself with grief that day. I get a strong sense that he and his daughter are together and are very happy. I also can hear him, his voice, clearly telling me that he is always with me and that I should move past all the unpleasant events surrounding his passing. My mother and a couple other friends have also dreamt of him and/or have had visions of him. I have been trying to focus on ‘building’ a relationship with him in this energy state. It is challenging and my grief is still fresh as it has only been 55 days since he passed.


    1. Hi Kim,
      I am so sorry for your loss. You are sensitive to psychic energy naturally, otherwise such intense grief often prevents these communications. While it doesn’t take away the pain of missing your loved ones, I hope that your beautiful communications have helped in some way. You can definitely build a relationship with him – though he will likely come and go as you try and rebuild your life, he is connected to you and your energy. What I always advise people is to maintain communication. verbal communication is what comes easiest to us, so I always suggest to talk out loud. The responses you get may not be immediate, but through feelings, symbols, songs on the radio and of course, dreams. Go slow – as you said, your grief is still so fresh. Be gentle with yourself and take to heart what your boyfriend has communicated to you – he is happy and he is with his daughter. Often our loved ones in spirits are impatient for us to move past our grief and be happy for them that they are in such a beautiful, blissful place, but you need to go at your own pace and allow yourself time to move through the process. I’ll bet that your boyfriend and M are going to with you every step of the way, sending loving energy when things get really hard.
      All the best to you, Kim.


  18. My father has had two. Before this he never believe in afterlife. His sister was in the hospital terminally ill. One morning in a state of half awake half asleep he says he heard his sister. She told him she loved him and was saying goodbye, then said she was going to say goodbye to my mom. He heard his sister walk to the other side of the bed and start talking to my mom. He could only hear mumbles. Not specifics. Then he heard her walk back to him and say I don’t think she heard me, will you tell her I love her. Minutes later he gets up and goes outside to smoke a cigarette.while outside my mom comes out and said the hospital just called. Your sister has passed….

    Another that he has recently had. About 6 months ago he was diagnosed with small acute cell stage 4 lung cancer that has spread to his abdomen, adrenal glands and bones. He had a dream that 4 family members who have passed where all together and playing cards. He walks up and asked, hey can I join? And his mother responded. Yes, we have been waiting for you.


    1. Dear Brittney,
      Thank you for sharing your story. What your dad experienced actually has a special term for it: Crisis Apparition. This is exactly what you’ve described – when someone appears to a loved one right before or after their death to say goodbye. It is painful but incredibly meaningful for those who experience it, as I’m sure your father has expressed. As for his second dream, its not uncommon when a person is dealing with a critical illness to be visited by people who have passed – the purpose is to bring comfort and lessen any fear that your father has. It doesn’t mean that he is going to pass soon, as many people who have these visions go on to get better and in other cases they do not. I hope this vision has brought your father comfort while he battles his illness and best wishes to both of you for healing and peace.


  19. hello my name is Jennifer Collins. My sister I LOOK JUST LIKE passed away at a very young age of 39,She was a nurse and also the nurse to her husband who had just a stem cell transplant from 2nd time with stage4 lymphoma cancer, ill never forget her having signs of sickness but no one could figure it out,long story short on THanksgiving 2014 she told us the most horrifying words I HAVE A RARE CANCER……WHAT WHY HOW BOTH MY NEPHEWS PARENTS???? 3 mos later February 15th 2015 she took her last breath.My parents my other sister have had encounters with her. I have had dreams here and there but I don’t know if she was really here seeing me or not.She loved spirits after life I thought she would come through so easy to me.How can I open my mind body soul to her to come to me?i seriously need her so bad and I actually crave to hear her see her or something I know she for sure did,Is there ANYTHING I can do to help her come to me?and do u know if she has and if so how??ive begged for help I pray you answer and guide me anyway you can…with love Jennifer I MISS YOU BIG SIS SO MUCH AND LOVE U ALWAYS..please post here or email me


    1. Hi Jennifer, so sorry for the delay in answering. It’s tough to know why some spirits come through very quickly and some do not. It is possible that your sister is still coming to terms with her death at such a young age. She may need to come to terms with it before she can face her family. It is also possible that your grief and desire to communicate is actually blocking the communication. Here’s what I would suggest. First, talk to her out loud. Once a day or every few days is fine. Most importantly, tell her that you miss her but you aren’t angry with her. Make sure she knows that you just want her to be happy. She might need that reassurance. Secondly, try daily meditation. 5 minutes to start is fine. Focus on happy times with her, send love, then let your mind go blank. That will help with the emotional and spiritual connection. If you still don’t get a sign after a few months of this, then I would seek a medium – you can find a good one through the Forever Family Foundation or the Windbridge institute. Its possible that she might need the services of a professional to communicate (not all spirits are great at sending signs, unfortunately, but that’s where a medium can be a great help!).
      Good luck and let me know if you hear from your sister!


  20. I have got many signs from my youngest Son who passed away ..
    My favorite one is when I went to his Tombstone Bench and as my friend was video taping me I felt someone touch my hand , but I didn’t pay it any attention cuz nobody was by me .. After I released two Birthday Balloons in the Sky and they disappeared I looked down and seen a Shimmery Silver Substance and it was round and in the middle of it was a Perfect Cross and above that looked like a Fingerprint ..
    I knew my Son was in Heaven when I seen this .
    I also sat up in bed around the time my Son died and I never do that when I wake up , not long after I woke up my Oldest Son called me and told me that they found him unresponsive on the bathroom floor ..
    I wish I could post a picture of the Shimmery Silver Substance with the Perfect Cross and Fingerprint , but I can’t on this post cuz it doesn’t give me the option to post a picture here ..


    1. Hi Patrice,
      My condolences for the loss of your son – I cannot fathom the loss of the child and the grief you must bear. It definitely sounds like your son is communicating with you. When my friend lost her father, she was tapped on the shoulder – similar to feeling someone touch your hand. Its wonderful that you were able to get a picture of the cross and fingerprint. That is a treasure. I love the symbolism. Fingerprints are unique. Your son is loved uniquely by God who knows him, loves him, and is holding him close. Of course he is in heaven, but I am sure he’s always visiting his family as well. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your story.


  21. My loved one died three weeks ago his death is a slight mystery he was my soul mate and nine days after his death he came to my bedroom it was 6 in morn I communicated with him physically spiritually he answered all my unanswered questions a felt his hands around Me like electricity the room was filled with colour a pink and purple he stayed with me for two hours a seen his face but I was fully awake I had my eyes closed for most of the time asifelt anxious and a little afraid but not scared but unsettled he said he was in a hurry to get to me and explain his hurtful behaviour on earth like a full deep soulful conversation about he was troubled it was nt him and I was the love of his life and how this world was nt for him he was troubled and was meant for the next World were he was at peace he said we got separated like he gave his life up to save mine and that only our souls could reconnect if he passed as on earth a was so troubled by his behaviour his anxiety his mental health his constant betrayal he said to begin his journey he wanted my forgiveness to go forward the next realm of his journey was to see his loved ones that had passed I neva forgot one word he said even tho a can’t even remember wot I did most days his words that morning a remember every word word to word this was deffibetly a surreal experience I will never forget that’s all for now as I waited a lifetime for those words a guide a special visit touched by an angel I truly believe in the after life I feel truly blessed to have experienced it it has changed me as a person that’s all for now it’s not something I want to share but to tell everyone he came back with all the answers to tell me there’s a beautiful after life awaiting but if you leave a trail of destruction behind you must revisit and gain forgiveness to move on in spirit x


    1. I’m so sorry for your loss, Eunice. Three weeks – I know the pain is so fresh and so real for you. Your experience illustrates how important forgiveness is for those who pass into the next world. On earth, we often don’t understand or realize the ways we hurt the people who love us, but it becomes painfully clear when we are shown how our actions have caused such pain in others. It was likely that he was a little ‘stuck’ until he could get forgiveness from you as you mentioned – he needed to gain your forgiveness to move on in spirit. Forgiveness is one of the most powerful things we can offer – both the living and those in spirit. Many people don’t realize that how we feel about those who have passed has a real effect on their ability to move forward. Although I can imagine how difficult your grief, I am glad that his visit has given you the strength and knowledge that love is eternal. I believe your soul mate will be a kind of guide for you through this life; as you clearly were for him in his.


  22. As I was reading through I was surprised to see I have experienced 7 out of 12 types of signs! My son passed away only 3 short months ago (forever 11), suddenly in his sleep. His whole life I felt he and I had a stronger bond than just Mom and child, he and I were a team. He was an old soul, and very empathetic. He was also very intelligent, wonderful, amazing, etc… So I guess it makes sense that now he’s the most amazing spirit guide I could get! I miss him physically so much every day, but when I am able to meditate, and really focus on our love I hear him (spiritually) loud and clear. I have already seen a medium she was fantastic, he came through right away. Lol, I knew it was him because he wouldn’t let her talk to anyone else before he could talk to me. Not in a rude way, but in an 11 year old boy wanting to talk to his Mom after being unable to for so long. I absolutely 150% believe he is with me all the time, and we will be together again one day.


    1. Lara,
      To suffer such a loss, my heart goes out to you. I am inspired by everything you are doing to keep the connection to your son strong – you are a wonderful example of the way we can continue to have our loved ones close and involved in our lives, even from beyond ‘the veil’. Of course, it will never replace the grief and loss of his physical presence, but it can mean maintaining that love connection until we are all reunited with our loved ones again. 7 out of 12 signs is amazing – especially after only three months, but then again kids have such high energy and their connection with spirit is strong, I don’t doubt that you are still and will always be front and center in your little boy’s life. The meditation is so important and you’ve already discovered how it can bring that communication into clear focus. I’d love to hear how your relationship evolves and grows over time, please let me know how things progress. Sending you strength and hope, Lara… Jenn


  23. My Dad died just over 2 weeks ago. I am desperate to know he is okay and would gain so much comfort if he were able to communicate with me.

    I love him and want him to know x


    1. Emma, I’m so sorry for the loss of your father. I can assure you that your father knows you love him. He can hear you when you say it and he can feel it in his heart – spirits are very attuned to our emotions. Two weeks must feel like an eternity for you and your grief is understandably very heavy, but your father is only at the beginning of his journey. While some people get communications quickly after someone passes, it is more common that it doesn’t occur until a few months go by. Part of the reason is because it is hard for a spirit to get through to a person who is so sad. Don’t lose hope, though. Tell you dad how much you miss him, and how you feel. Give him some time and keep your eyes open to possible signs. If you don’t hear from him after 3-6 months, then you might consider a reputable medium. I pray that he comes through to comfort you well before then, though. Sending you peace, Emma. -Jenn


  24. Hi there.
    I have experienced lately (the last 2months) a very odd and strange physical message from, I figure, the other side or spirit. I have read through these comments and articles and my description doesn’t come forward anywhere. I started getting images, symbols, letters or words of some form of communication on my t-shirts. I am hoping I will receive a response from this email or comment as I would really like to upload the images on my shirts to prove this as actual evidence. These markings on my shirt has now come forward 6 times on various days the last 2 months. The images appear on my sleeping t-shirts and at first I wiped them off as they were nothing. The 3rd appearance I showed to my wife as a matter of interest and concern. I did take a photograph as such to keep as evidence. Since then I had an appearance or marking on a red t-shirt very clearly marked `D9`. the next one appeared again on a grey t-shirt marking either `9i` or `9l` or it could be an `e` reversed. These markings seems to be made in white chalk and the last 2 markings appeared on my t-shirts at night during 5pm – 10pm while I was awake, 2 Fridays consecutively. Not me nor my wife had made any markings or writing on my shirts whatsoever and cannot explain this at all. The shirts were clean when I put them on. Both my parents are deceased and the only explanation I could have is communication from them somehow through this markings. I really need some comments on this or a possible motivation.
    Regards Jan (South Africa)


    1. Hi Jan, sorry for the delayed reply. That is very unusual. Do you have any reason to suspect that your house is haunted? Secondly, is there anything going on in your life for which your parents might be concerned or want to get a message to you? Anyone who has passed on your wife’s side? Have you been having any odd dreams lately or anything strange going on in your house? I’m sure you are frustrated to figure out what this means. I might suggest asking whomever it is to please be more specific or try another way of communicating their message. I would not suggest using a Ouija board to communicate though, if this is a mischievous spirit then taking the bait could encourage a negative haunting. For now, I could continue to simply record what is communicated and take pictures when it happens. If it develops further, the messages begin to make sense, or you detect a presence in your house, then let me know and we can figure out the next steps. Feel free to email me at


  25. For four days I felt light and free – less anxious, less pre-occupied. Then I got the notification that my daughter had died and realised that she was letting me know how free and unencumbered she felt. That evening when I allowed myself to cry I could feel her presence and weight on me, giving me a hug.
    It was three weeks before the Coroner allowed the funeral. On the day a bee landed on me, it was somewhat stubborn and wouldn’t go.
    Some weeks later I was walking down the street and smelt her favourite flowers – but there weren’t any in any gardens.
    Now, just shy of five months, she visited me in a dream. The day before, every song I heard – every where I went – reminded me of her. The next day I had a nap and dreamt. It’s been sometime since I remembered my dreams but this one was vivid and has not left me.
    I saw her, she sort of ‘manifested’ and gave me a hug – it was so real, so tight that it was tangible in the dream. It was a short visit, didn’t last long at all, I asked a couple of questions but there wasn’t any communication from her. When I woke I felt a sense of love and a calmness I hadn’t felt since she passed. As there was no good-bye a hug is what I’ve been missing the most. My grief, although still intense, isn’t to the degree where it interferes so much with my day to day functioning.
    When she first appeared in the dream it was hard for her to ‘come through’ – in the dream I thought maybe because it was the first time she had done and the first time for her spirit to access that personality since passing. She also kept melding and transition between ages.
    My concern though is that she was actually confused and maybe she hasn’t ‘moved on’. Perhaps, my grief and/or the circumstances of her death have bound her here somehow.
    How do I help her should she need it?


    1. Dear Jill, thank you for sharing all of the incredible ways that your daughter has remained in connection with you. I can’t imagine the pain and grief you are feeling, especially during this time of year. To me, it doesn’t sound like your daughter hasn’t moved on. She doesn’t seem to show herself in distress and you didn’t mention that you sense her around you physically. Her signs have all given you a sense of peace and well-being, which is not the case with spirits in distress or who haven’t moved on. In addition, she has been able to communicate with you in quite sophisticated ways – something that earthbound spirits can’t quite manage. Nevertheless, the best way to help anyone who has passed on is to offer your love and forgiveness, if needed. It sounds like your daughter is already in the light, and so I would just accept the beautiful blessings she is offering you through her love for you. You will always remain connected together and ultimately, your daughter would want you to know that she is happy and free of the pain and uncertainty of life. Take comfort in her signs and know that she will remain with you until you meet again.
      Take care, Jill, and thanks for writing.


  26. Thank you so much for replying to me,any help and guidance I can get I will take and appreciate very much.I will try the things u suggested,if there is ever a medium on here and u pick up on absolutely ANYTHING please leave a message for me.Im grasping at straws here just to try to hear from my sis and know she’s ok at peace and around.Thank you for all the help.


  27. The man I’ve been dating died suddenly Dec 3, 2017. It’s now Dec 29, 2017 and I’ve been asking and pleading, ok, maybe bargaining for a sign. I woke up to an email from him oin my inbox. The email was completely blank but it was a newly composed email, not a reply, and it was from his email address.


    1. Dear Shalon, I’m so sorry for your loss. You just received one of the rarest types of ADC, a technological ADC. Other people have reported texts, words typed on their screens, even phone calls. If your loved one has the ability to use technology to contact you, then you might try EVP. I hope that his email has given you a little comfort during this painful time and I hope it leads to more contacts. I’m always amazed when I hear about technological ADCs and I’m so hopeful that he’ll try some other ways to contact you as well. Some people have also gotten missed calls from unknown numbers or voicemails with faraway voices that have been identified as ADCs. Please let me know if you get another sign, until then, know that your loved one is still around and wants you to know that you aren’t alone.
      Take care, Jenn


  28. my son was killed in a horrible motorcycle accident just 3 months ago im having a very hard time with losing him ive not had any signs from him i talk to him everyday all day what can i do to know he is ok and happy


    1. Vicky, my heart goes out to you for such a terrible loss. I’m so sorry. I know the grief is probably overwhelming. 3-6 months is around when people typically report getting their first signs, so hang in there. Keep talking, keep alert for signs and if you still haven’t heard anything by 6 months you might consider finding a reputable medium. I recommend the Forever Family Foundation – their mediums are certified and that will give you a better chance of having a successful reading. You could also look into IADC, a new type of therapy which combines grief therapy with after-death communications. For some people, it has made a world of difference in their grief. In the meantime, you might try traditional grief therapy or even just support groups to help get through the pain, which can also have the effect of making it easier for your son to get in touch. Often our deepest pain is a wall that can prevent communication. Its is possible, check in with friends and family members – often the first signs will be to someone who was close to the person but not immediate family, just for the reason that the communication gets through better to someone who is not grieving so heavily. In many cases, the person who gets the sign feels like it will be too upsetting to pass on, and the person who the message is intended for never gets it.
      I am praying that you hear from your son, Vicky, take care.


      1. Hi Jean so sorry for your sad loss, I lost my husband in June last year, the pain of grief can be unbearable I know, I contacted Lee Jameson , Welsh medium, he did me a reading on the phone, it really was good and helped me knowing he was ok.
        He has a Facebook page,

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Hi Vicky,
      My name is Jim, and I have been reading lots stories about death. I never thought I would be looking at sites like this, but here I am. Your story kind of hit home with me. My son got killed in a motorcycle accident on Aug, 23rd 2017. He was coming home from Marine training. I don’t have to say how hard this is, since unfortunately you know what I am going through to.If you ever need a friend, my email is I would be glad to share any form of help we could share. Thank you


    3. Hi Vicky,
      I am so sorry for your terrible loss and I can only imagine how your heart is hurting.

      Although it’s not the same circumstances as yours, my husband went out for a run and died of a heart attack three years ago. I hadn’t heard of after death communication at that point, but I wrote him letters every day in a notebook, sometimes three or four times a day. I always said ‘I love you. Thankyou for being my friend. Thankyou for looking after me’ and I remembered all the things we’d done together over the years. It felt like the only way that I could manage my pain. I started to get messages from him through a friend but he also contacted me through songs, messages from living people and miraculous events. I have discovered over time that I can contact him best through letters or when I’m out for a run and doing things that always made me happy.

      I am sending love and hope.


  29. One of my family members recently lost a very close friend and their entire family in a tragic accident. I never met this friend but felt like I knew them through pictures and Facebook posts. I feel like I was visited by my family members friend to give them a message for them. I was compelled to give the message and once I did I felt very peaceful. Am I crazy? Would someone I never met reach out to me to pass along a message? I feel like it might be because I am not personally involved and devastated by the loss of this beautiful family. Am I crazy?


    1. You are not crazy, Diane. In fact, what you’ve experienced is not as uncommon as you think and your inclination is exactly right. Because you care for this family but are somewhat removed is the reason why you were contacted with this message. Heavy grief makes it really hard if not impossible for messages to get through from the spirit world, so spirits will often seek out someone on the edges to bring their message to their loved ones. The tragedy is that many people never pass the message along, fearing that it will upset people. Spirits will also try to find a person who is naturally a little more connected to that energy. Perhaps you have some latent mediumship ability or are just sensitive. You did the right thing in my opinion and intuitively you knew that already when you passed along the message. Far from being crazy, when some people write to me frustrated because they haven’t gotten a sign, I sometimes suggest they check in with extended family and friends to see if the sign has come through them first but they were too afraid to share it. You followed your intuition and in time, it will become even more precious to the grieving that you shared your experience with them.


  30. A couple days after my boyfriend died I went to turn the light on in the bedroom. It went on, then off for a second, then back on. It wasn’t a flicker, just a distinct off that has never happened like that before.


  31. My mom passed away July 25, 2017. She had this little plastic bird she kept in the kitchen. I kept it and put it in our kitchen. It tweets for a couple seconds if you shake it. In October, I put my mom and dad’s ashes in a beautiful companion urn and the night I brought the urn home, my wife and I were sitting in the living room and that bird began to chirp, for at least 5 minutes non stop. Hasn’t chirped since. i think she was happy to be with my dad.


    1. Dear Rick,
      That’s amazing! I think you are right – your mom and your dad both approve. Besides their undeniable joy at being reunited, I would think they are also happy that you care so deeply for their memories that you have taken the love and care to keep their cremains in a prominent spot. My grandmother had a similar experience after my grandfather passed away – a music box on her mantle started playing on its own when she walked in the room. It happened twice on two separate occasions, then never again. I think my Grandfather was signaling that he “made it across okay.”
      Thanks for writing – if that little bird tweets again, please let me know!


  32. I just told the 4 of dads ADCs. My fiancé died in my car the ADCS seemed non stop. The first was I went to our house to get clothes and told my friends it felt like London FOH Be aS there everywhere I had to get put in like 2 min it was so strong. I had never heard of ADC yet.
    2. My mom who he loved had him redo the patio. Really redid. That day I was sitting on sofa facing back
    Locked pAtio and a full size shadow went gliding by with a light tracer behind it. That pastio is locked and bolted. His watch appeared on my head board I gave him for valentines. On my phone I got a clear image of an angel above the tree begind my flipped car. This pic came off the new but not noticeable until blown way up. I have that pic. I got a text message from both Bethlehem , Pa,out of the blue 7 min after I called his mom. My bday 7/7. It’s worded as if talking to me. I have those in my phone too. Our picture spontaneously jumped off the wall to floor while I was on phone with insur co. He hit 2 cars. They never filed against my insurance. To fix their cars. They aeard d me 4200
    For a 2000
    C RV fAirbcondition. One night I wS falling asleep and heard a loud enough voice that I woke up and drive to my moms scared. My sister got the dream And my mom a small one.


  33. To lose a loved one is never easy and people go through this pain in different ways.
    Ilost my mother few years, we were very very close so it made it difficult for
    me to let go. i was in pain physically, i missed her so much it started affecting my
    personal life, work and family.
    My husband was scared because i was depress as hell, He came across a man that is
    that practice divination, reincarnation etc…..
    My husband employed is service, and it works! i saw my mother in my dreams it felt real.
    i started feeling better, my husbad asked me if it was okay to reincarnate my mother,i didn’t knew
    it was possible…. so we tried it and it works. I gave birth to twin and they bother have my mother
    qualities and character. I am still amazed that is why i am recommending him to others who desperately
    needs is services like me.
    you can reach him yourself…….
    You will thank me later it’s a promise.


    1. This has just come across as a spammy comment advertising someone who i bet charges money for his services. I absolutely would abhor the thought of reincarnation. Our loved ones not waiting for us on the other side but born again with no memory of us at all? No thanks.


      1. Reincarnation is a heavily debated topic, for sure. Though in all of the deathbed visions and LBL regressions that I’ve read, it seems like our loved ones are always waiting for us. I’ve never encountered someone who has said, ‘X isn’t here because they are on earth’, so either they don’t reincarnate until all of their loved ones are ‘back’ or some part of their spirit energy can stay in the afterlife to meet us. Those seem to be the two predominate theories on this issue for those who do believe in reincarnation. Of course, there are many spiritualists who do not believe in reincarnation. Ultimately, I think the choice is ours either way.


  34. I was writing Christmas cards in December, with the shopping channel on television, when I heard static noise, like tuning in to a distant radio station, then my son’s voice shouting “mum”, then static again for a second. I turned my head in the direction of the noise and when I turned back again there was no reaction from the presenters of the live programme so the noise didn’t come from there. I realised it didn’t anyway as I recognised my son’s voice! My son died from a fast-acting cancer in the summer of 2016, so not long ago. He died the day before his 23rd birthday and had married his girlfriend at the hospice two weeks earlier, with dozens of friends turning up unexpectedly, on the day itself, and from the time he’d been admitted to hospital three weeks previously. He had to have a booking-in system after eleven of them turned up one evening. Although it was so grim they did the best thing possible for him. He had quality of life and no horrible treatments which couldn’t cure him anyway. I was thrilled when I heard him and told many people, before coming to my senses and realising I sounded quite mad, which was the reaction I was receiving, although at the same time I was fascinated to hear that some had similar stories. I had never believed in the possibility of life after death, although I have been wondering for the past six months, but I find it difficult to believe that my researching online had somehow influenced my brain to hallucinate like this (although is that not what everyone says as no-one wants to think they are imagining things). But I know I was busy with my cards at the time and not day-dreaming. For the first year I was content to think death is nothing at all and I’ve always trusted in what can be assessed scientifically. Now I don’t know what to think but it’s never far from my thoughts!! I still feel elated about it on the quiet, but just plain crazy when I read the science stuff. I can’t help thinking that my thoughts on this is the way most people would react, which is a good reason to post. Also I am enjoying your blog!


    1. Dear Alison,
      I am sorry that I am replying so late to your comment. Your son sounds like a truly strong spirit and a beautiful soul. Don’t let anyone dampen your exuberance over hearing from your son. People tend to have that reaction out of fear, but they really have no right to tell you what you experienced was not real. I don’t believe for a second that people – even grieving people – who are mentally sound will spontaneously hallucinate. And for those that say that you heard some stray static – well, there is no mistaking the voice of your child. I am glad you are being open-minded about the possibility for life after death. After all, that is what the search is all about. It’s not about belief or faith, but looking rationally at the evidence and coming to your own conclusion. I hope you keep up your research, and I’m glad to welcome you here – the ‘search’ is what we do!
      Warm regards,


  35. A lot of these are really stretching it. A butterfly landing on someones arm suddenly means a visit from a loved one? Happens all the time. Seeing a number plate that reminds you of someone means its a message from them? Although as a bereaved mother with zero contact from my daughter in 2 years, I am searching for the truth. I cannot see how a lot of these is evidence of anything. It seems more like wishful thinking. I know my daughter would have contacted me after she died aged 33 in an unusual manner two years ago. She hasn’t so i hold little belief anymore of any afterlife. I wish it were true. I am still looking for even the weakest sign and i ask every day and even have her ashes in my living room. I just don’t see. You also say your father never heard the words i love you from his step father and not long after that conversation he had a dream in which he was told he was loved. It seems that it would be natural after thinking about the lack of words being said to him and his feelings about that, that he would have a dream in which what he wished actually happened. I cannot see how that is evidence of anything. I genuinely hope you are right and you seem like a very kind lady wishing to help people but in my experience of trying to put one foot in front of the other every day and after two years of no contact from my very strong daughter who would have contacted me if she could, I just have very little belief any more.


    1. I forgot to add that a friend of hers who has helped me get through the last two years has had a few dreams of my daughter which she described to me. One of my daughter from when they were younger. She had notes in her hand and just threw them in the air. It has comforted me to hear you say that if they can’t get through to loved ones they will try to get through to friends etc. I am also struggling a lot and i feel no better or further forward than the day she died. I hold huge guilt and find it hard to carry on without her but am here for my sons. As said before i really want you to be right. I just find it hard to have any faith at all any more.


      1. Suzanna,
        I’m glad that your friend had the courage to tell you about her dreams of your daughter. I believe that it means that she is trying to communicate and wants you to know that she is okay. Over time, it may get easier for her to communicate with you more directly. Suzanna, I don’t blame you for questioning your faith – you’ve suffered the most excruciating loss that a person can in this life. What is the point of that suffering? It’s hard to fathom sometimes. I pray that your daughter can reach you, and give you some comfort. If you are feeling overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to reach out to support groups in your area, or seek out grief therapy. I might also recommend a book that was written by a mother who lost her son and many years later developed a way to communicate with him. It’s called ‘Matthew, Tell Me About Heaven’ by Suzanne Ward.
        Take care,


    2. I replied to your other comment, but I wanted to add that there are around 20% of people who report not getting signs at all. I wish I could understand why some people get signs – great signs – right away, and some don’t. But there are other ways. You might consider a medium? The Forever Family Foundation certifies their mediums and while no one can guarantee a great experience, it’s a good place to start and maybe something to consider since it has been two years.


    3. Suzanna, it’s good that you are open to communication from your daughter. They say being open to it is the first step. Be open to it, without expecting it.

      My beloved father passed away last summer and for a few months afterwards, I am sure he was communicating with me. With my mother, too.

      It was not wishful thinking; that sort of thing had never occurred to me at all. It wasn’t until a few really weird incidents that I went ‘ka-thunk. This is Dad!’ It just had to be. There were no other possible explanations, and of course I am open to the possibilities.

      One night my daughter and I were staying with my mother. My daughter was sleeping on the livingroom couch. The lights were all off. I was very aware of not wanting to wake her. So when I had to get up in the night to use the bathroom, not only did I not turn on the lights in my room, or the hallway, I didn’t even turn them on in the bathroom. I peed in the dark! When I came out I was disoriented for a few seconds before I realized something: the lights were on in my room (my father’s former room). He was lighting the way for me.

      Another time, in that same room, I woke up and found the table light on. I turned it off. It came back on again. It’s like we were having a contest of wills. I think my father was playing with me.

      The weirdest incident came a few months after his death, when I had the TV on beside me as I sat at my desk. I was beside myself with grief. I was crying and saying to my Dad, “why did you leave me? I need you!” Suddenly the TV crackled and sputtered, and went out. Then, about 30 seconds later, it came back on. But it wasn’t finished yet. It did the same thing a second time: a great fiery crackling and fizzing before finally dying, then coming back on. I think he heard me.

      Once, I looked down at my cellphone. The text message screen was up – even though I had not brought it up – with just one word on it: ‘Hi.’ I looked away, or blinked a few times, and it was gone as suddenly as it had appeared.

      My mother has experienced similar electrical events, as well as a visitation dream and one period where she was getting a flurry of empty, silent or crackly phone calls .

      For us, periods of intense grief seemed to be the catalysts. I am sad that none of this has happened in a few months. Has he left us for good? I hope not.

      None of this was wishful thinking on our part (though it would be now!), and in fact we resisted believing it at first. So were were not looking for signs – just perhaps open to them.


  36. My boyfriend also the father of our two sons passed away October 15th 2017. I stood up late the night coming into valentine’s day. Around 3am valentine’s day I nodded out while on Facebook as I woke back up my boyfriend was standing beside my bed holding out a dozen pink roses. They were always my favorite he’d always get me them when we had extra money or my birthday etc. Another night my son’s police truck toy went off. You have to hit the button on the side for it the sirens to play. Last night which was February 18th was the most obvious it was him though. As I was laying in bed drifting off to sleep my son’s play gun went off. You have to pull the trigger it sounds pow pow. I ignored it started dozing off again. It must have been less than a minute later it went off again. But this time three in a row. Pow pow pow pow pow pow. I than said Brandon I know your here I love you I’m going to sleep. It hadn’t went off since. I now wish I wasn’t so tired I would have stood up to try and communicate with him more, but I was already almost asleep, I’m so glad i remembered it while looking at his picture this afternoon.


    1. Hi Jennifer, I am so sorry for the loss of your significant other so recently. I can’t imagine how difficult the holidays have been for you and your children. I am so glad that your boyfriend was able to come through on valentine’s eve to present his roses to you – I have never seen an apparition myself, so I can only imagine that it must have been a truly overwhelming and emotional experience to see him again. Brandon obviously wants you to know how much he loves you and how much he is still with you and your boys. Thank you so much for sharing your experience here – it gives hope to so many who have lost loved ones and are waiting to get a sign.
      All the best,


  37. Hi, I would like some help please as my dad is really worried as to what could be either happening or going to happen.

    My grandfather’s spirit is in my dad’s house. We don’t usually see him or hear from him as he tends to keep to himself, when he does make his presence known though is when something is about to happen or already happened.

    We know this as when my uncle passed my grandfather made such a noise in the house which scared everyone. He switched lights on and off, he slammed cupboard doors in the kitchen and bedrooms and they could hear noises from other sides of the house as well. This all happened just before my uncle died. We knew he was sick though, but it was as if it was a warning that it is time.

    I got a call from my dad today, him checking in to see if everything is okay as both him and my stepmom have seen my grandfather (or so they think) in the house the last two evenings.

    On Sunday my stepmom heard him coming down the stairs from their upside bedroom while she was taking the dogs out and then as she was going back to bed she saw the figure standing by the front door. When she switched the lights on nothing was there. This freaked her out a bit as they don’t usually see it.

    My dad saw it last night as well. He heard a big bang coming from the back of the house and when he got up to see if something was going on outside, he saw the figure move from the kitchen, across the passage to the front door and also just stand there. He also switched the lights on and then there was nothing again.

    They are a little worried as they don’t know if they should take this as a warning or if this is my grandfather at all. Can anyone give me some advise on this please.


    1. Hi Bianca. I can try and give you some advice on how to handle this situation. I have to head to work now, but I’ll respond later. Is it ok to email you directly using the address that you used to leave the comment? I will have a few questions for you.


  38. Following the experience of hearing my son when writing Christmas cards in December, on 27th February something else happened. We have just recovered from an unusual storm here in the UK, named “The Beast from the East”. I had struggled home through gales and snow at the start of the bad weather and was having a cup of tea to recover while having a quick look at a tribute page for my son on the business website of two of his friends. I wanted to see a particular photo on the website as it related to a letter I’d received in the post that morning. After I closed the tablet a lovely, strong perfume filled the air. I thought it was odd but thought no more of it. I went to bed that night and tossed and turned as my husband had gone to London on the train that morning and I was worried about driving the half hour’s drive to collect him from the train the next evening as the snow was getting deep. I opened my eyes to find a figure beside the bed and exclaimed as I couldn’t understand how my husband could be back. The figure was illuminated in the flashing of my electric toothbrush recharging in the adjoining bathroom. I immediately saw that this was a much larger figure (my son was 6 ft 5 in) wearing casual chino trousers. The top of the figure was just enormous darkness. I was stunned and shocked. The appearance lasted for about three flashes. It was like a gothic scene with the gales and hail battering the window, almost like a prank! The next day I remembered that the last time I looked at the webpage was the day I heard the voice back in December as I wondered whether to quote the web address to a relative in their card. Is this not strange? I don’t feel any particularly strong attachment to this website, that it could conjure up visions like this. I wasn’t even properly asleep and certainly wasn’t dreaming. We have had a word with him about not spooking his mum!


  39. By the way, forgot to thank you for your kind reply to my previous post. I know I’m lucky to have had these signs, having read others’ messages. No need to reply again as I know you’re busy, unless you have any ideas about the website connection between the events.


  40. I had dated a guy some 46 yrs ago. I was so heartbroken when he broke up with me without any explanation. Then a bout 5 or 6 yrs ago i had found out he died in a motorcycle wreck out west somewhere. It was sometime last sept or nov i was on my way home from visiting my mom at the nursing home when out of the blue his name pops in my head and this horrible feeling of sadness came over me i just wanted to start crying. It was such an awful feeling i wouldnt wish it on anyone. I never could figure out what it was suppose to mean. Any ideas,


  41. My husband took his life on 2-4-18. I felt his presence around me after his death. On 2-6-18, the day our sons & myself had to plan his funeral 4 things happened that I know was him. Our dog got excited for no apparent reason in the morning. I think she saw him. I picked a song for his funeral called Something About You by Boston. The lyrics fit our situation. Our oldest son “smelled” him. And I received a missed call from him at 11:09 pm. I was asleep. I never heard my phone ring. And his cell phone was turned off. His phone showed an outgoing 22 second call. So I’m trying to be aware of my surroundings so I don’t miss any further contact from him


  42. This is so true. My father expired exactly one year ago after a chronic cancer. I being his caretaker since diagnosed i became more very close to him. After his death I strongly feel he tried to contact us through various devices. Once immediately after his death I received a call with static.then all of a sudden the room bell started without anyone pressing it. This belll was the same which he used while calling us when he was alive


  43. my mother passed away about 3 weeks ago. I haven’t asked my father yet if he has had any visits while he was alone. but the family as a group 3 days after she passed had a sign in the form of a non native yellow chested bird screaming at us from the top of her favorite pecan tree. we use to sit and bbq and drink and eat under that tree all the time. we had very good times there. 6 days after my mom passed my dads father passed. 2 days after that, I’m sitting at my computer playing a first person shooter. headphones on, concentrating very hard on the game as I am competitive. also expecting my wife to come home from work at any moment. I live in a mobile home and the door was to my back, you can feel the place shake anytime someone walks or opens the door. my dog was sleeping in her kennel. less than 3 feet from the door. it was dark inside the house and middle of the day outside, very sunny. I hear the handle the and the door push open, kind of abruptly actually. like i would expect my wife to do after getting home from work. I see the light from the outside hit the wall in front of me. I think to myself “wife is home” no biggie. I stay focused on my game because the match was going to end in a few minutes (I won by the way haha). I did not realize at the time but remember after the fact not really seeing the shadow on the wall like I would expect but saw the light shift from the glass door closing behind them. then heard and felt them walk behind me. I even thought I heard my wife’s purse hit the couch. which was kind of like confirmation(in my head) that it was her and everything was normal. they took 3 or 4 steps into the house, stopped, turned around and walked out. I heard and felt every footstep. also, my wife had been recently doing that exact thing. coming in and going right back outside to water the garden and stuff like that. so still everything felt normal. I finish my game, get up and walk to the door to look and make sure my wife’s car was there. it wasn’t. I instantly called her and said where did you go? she said, what are you talking about I’m at work. my heart dropped. I told her someone just walked Into our house and then left! now I have to wrestle with the question of: was it my mom, was it my grandpa, was it an intruder. if it was my mom or grandpa, what was the message? was I supposed to turn around? did I miss my message because i didn’t turn around? this is by far the craziest thing that has ever happened to me and the possibilities and the questions are always on my mind now. who what why. my mother was the center of our family. she was the rock that held us all together. me my brother and my dad. she was just one of those people that meant everything to everyone that was in her life. and you meant everything to her also if you were in her life. and she always let everyone know how much she loved them. In my eyes she was a true saint. I love you mom.


  44. well my ex husband past away in sept 2015. I havent spoke to him since I took kids and left state. 14 yrs later he passed. hadnt seen me or our kids. when he passed, morning of I heard the song come on radio, by gwen stafani..used to love u. that was how I left jim n anger for him. then, that nite i was in bed, mu bathroom wash cloth fell off rail in front me. weeks later temp changed in apt n i smelled his cigarettes. weeks later again, I woke up and alone..walked into living room and wall heater went on. I looked and dial was off. it wouldnt go off. so after a while trying to figure it out why it’s on and the knob is off I looked up to the heater and I said my ex husband’s name. And said I don’t care if you move things or you try to communicate just please don’t run my electricity bill up in the summertime. Right when I said that the heater went off. Another time the kitchen light started flickering periodically only when I was alone. then one day I decided to get a hold of a medium. She gave me so many signs on exact on how he died and what he experienced which was exact to a T. She later said that night you will see a light that will go off Ouran but she sees a light I didn’t think anything of it. Before I went to bed my son walked in my room. Right above his right shoulder in the kitchen the light was off but there was a shining light behind him and it happened so fast it was there and then gone. I was in awe. Then when I woke up in the morning I needed to call my dentist I couldn’t get through for some reason with my cell phone it kept coming up disconnected the number. so finally I decided to call another dentist and ask them to call that previous dentist I try and see if the phone is working. They said it was. So I again called the previous dentist this time it rang through but no one picked up. Instead I stayed on my phone on my cell phone listening to radio two different stations of talking I couldn’t make out what it was at first. Then the guy was talking about how I won two tickets to the Bahamas. I didn’t want to hang up the phone at all but I knew I had to that reassured me that was my ex-husband on the phone we went to the Bahamas the two of us for our honeymoon. Then it even got more strange as the month went on, last thing I noticed that had happened to me I was laying in bed one night I had my night mask covering my eyes to go to sleep. And I felt tingling on my right leg starting at my calf up to my pelvic the tingling sensation was energetic and I didn’t want to move. And I sure as heck did not want to take the eye mask off my eyes to see what was standing at the end of my bed. I believe it was my ex-husband trying to be sensual with me one last time. I have never experienced these things in my life I have always been intuitive and had seen and heard things but not experienced it was someone that I had a life with. Last but not least every now and then I know he’s still around because when I think about him meaning my ex-husband… I will see his red pickup truck with the ladder rack because he used to do construction when we were married and that’s what I associate whenever I see that truck I know it’s him letting me know that he’s still there. A song will come on the radio that he always had said before that reminded me or our wedding song will come on the radio


  45. My soulmate had cancer and passed away hours after going into hospice. I woke up the next morning after what I think was a visit. I’ve never experienced this before. My mother has but she agreed one thing about it was weird… He didn’t come to me “young and healthy” as in my mother’s experience.

    I believe it was less than 24 hours before he passed he was able to give me multiple little kisses on the lips which he hadn’t done for a good week or 2. On a separate occasion he squeezed my hand and looked at me. I knew he was telling me he was leaving. I told him I know you are leaving soon and it is OK. We will miss you, but we will be OK. He had lost the ability to do pretty much anything in the last 2 weeks (speak, hug, kiss) to the point that he couldn’t swallow much for the last 2 days. He basically let his pills dissolve in his mouth until hospice got involved and they were going to change his pills to liquid but we didn’t make it to that point…

    In the visit he was in his hospital bed trying to hug and kiss me (as he had been doing up until about 3 weeks prior to his passing). As he turned his (dead) body toward me I told him he was dead. He said but we are supposed to be together forever. I said I know but your dead. I sincerely felt that I was informing him because he did not know. I woke up and felt like I had been with him (intimately) and that is all I remember. I don’t recall him “actually” making physical contact with me (in the dream/visitation). I didn’t see myself and it wasn’t like a third person viewing of the scene. It was very much like I was there and we were talking. It was not scary but rather somewhat comforting, despite his condition.

    I don’t know if it makes any difference but I was with him when he passed. His heart faded away after he had stopped breathing. I had my hands on him trying to determine if he was still with me when the nurse stated that he had a faint heartbeat and then when it stopped beating.

    Having never experienced anything like this and only having my mother’s experience to go on (and pretty much being a non-believer in her “stories”) I don’t know what to think. I am skeptical. I can’t deny that. But I am so sure I have felt him with me. I felt my father with me once or twice before to but wrote it off. I’ve been reading a lot today about ADC and I am loosing the skepticism. It’s hard for me to believe things I can’t see or touch…

    I’m curious what your thoughts are; Was this a visit? Did he need me to tell him he was gone? Or was I really telling myself? I am having a very difficult time dealing with this loss and I guess I am looking for reassurance that I’m not going crazy and this really happened. Or that i was so distraught with grief that…I don’t know what. I have not taken any alcohol or drugs (aside from my prescribed stuff which does not mess with me that way) which leaves me believing it’s not my imagination. I would love to have him with me every second of every day for the rest of my life until I can be with him again!


    1. Shelly,
      I can tell you that you are not alone, that a great many people have also experienced pre-death visitations and post-death visitations like the one you’ve experienced. I certainly don’t believe you are crazy, and have had powerful experiences like that myself. For a while I felt like I couldn’t really believe in the experience if I didn’t have proof that it wasn’t just a dream, but the experience was so powerful and life-changing for me, that I eventually stopped trying to prove it to my logical mind, and just accepted it as something that is beyond explaining. To answer your questions, he may or may not have needed to hear you tell him it was okay to go. But spirits sometimes can get caught up if they think their family can’t handle their death. It can cause great disorientation and confusion. On the other hand, perhaps the visit was more for your sake. To give you the opportunity to say goodbye in a way that he couldn’t do physically anymore. To me, it seems like you’ve been given a beautiful gift from someone who loves and cherishes you very much. Keep reading and researching, it will help you understand your experience and allow you to make more sense of it. Best wishes – Jenn

      Liked by 1 person

  46. Thank you for the wonderful, uplifting, encouraging place to share. My hubby died in the spring of 2017. He was a very spiritual person and a Reiki Healer. Several different items have shown me his way of communicating. 4 days before he died, he was in a coma, never having recovered from surgery. He opened his eyes, attempted to take the breathing tubes out of his throat, then looked up towards the ceiling, raised both hands and pointed to the ceiling, then never woke again…I think he was trying to tell me he was going to heaven. Dense as I can be, I just didn’t understand until they finally removed all life support 4 days later. A few days after coming home, I woke in the middle of the night and quickly wrote down a prayer that popped into my head that he had said each night, but stopped, 4 years before when he had a heart attack. A few months after his passing, I was sitting on my front porch, and a hummingbird came up within 6 inches of my face and went back and forth, sideways, several times, then sat on the railing then left. Two days later, it happened again, on the other side of our house. A few weeks ago, I was looking at my hubby’s picture, telling him I would feel better if I knew he was finally pain free and doing well in the afterlife. All of a sudden, I felt what seemed like goose bumps on my back, on the left side, then it went to my spine, up to my hairline, then again on my back, right behind my heart. I felt he was telling me he had crossed over and was happy. I talk to him daily, as if he were right beside me, and have felt his response on several occasions. He has given me guidance when a water line broke & when I was trying to fix a broken gate. I feel strongly that those who have crossed over communicate, if we will only listen with our hearts and souls wide open.


    1. Thank you, Annie, for sharing your story. It sounds like you have a beautiful connection with your husband. Thought doubtless the grief is still difficult, I’m glad you’ve gotten some really loving signs for him and you’ve discovered that your relationship can continue at the level of the heart and the soul. Take care, Jenn


  47. A very good friend of mine just lost her brother in a ATV accident near his farm while heading home from his chores. He was a very religious man and had tried his best to persuade his oldest daughter to “believe” in his faith with Christ. However, as hard as he tried while he was alive to gain her commitment, it never transpired. During the funeral his daughter gave a surprising eulogy and shared that she was now a believer due to an experience she had with her father after his death. She shared with me that after the life support was removed from her father while in the hospital, she felt him come from behind her, hug her, then tell her everything was going to be alright. Others in the room, my friend included shared they felt a presence but just not as noticeable as her encounter. They claimed they felt a breeze thru the room…..I then visited with my friend today and she shared that a fawn was found sitting on the exact spot from which the accident occurred within the past day. The family believes the father was sending a special message. I have personally encountered many signs from my mother and father within the past six years after their deaths. I am a believer that our loved ones do visit us however you need to be open to them to receive their messages. And I believe if you ask, they will prevail.


    1. Marion, thank you for sharing your story. I’m so glad that your good friend had this experience and especially that she had the courage to share it in the eulogy. So many people dismiss or ignore or keep secret the signs they get from loved ones who have passed, when sharing the experiences can give hope to everyone and strengthen one’s faith in our spiritual home. i agree with you – one must be open to accept the gifts of the spirit world. I’m glad your friend was open to it as well.
      Take care,


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